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  • iGEM 2013 Europe Platinum Partners

  • bioMérieux

    Pioneering Diagnostics
    A world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics for 50 years, bioMérieux is present in more than 150 countries through 41 subsidiaries and a large network of distributors.
    With more than 7,400 employees in the world, bioMérieux provides diagnostic solutions (reagents, instruments, software and services) which determine the source of disease and contamination to improve patient health and ensure consumer safety.

    • Its products are used for diagnosing infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.) and providing high medical value results for cancer screening and monitoring and cardiovascular emergencies.
    • They are also used for detecting microorganisms in agri-food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
    What are in vitro diagnostics?
    • Analyzing a biological sample to detect and measure the presence of disease-causing agents (bacteria, viruses,…) or substances produced by the body.
    • • Essential first step before any clinical diagnosis.
    • Analyzing a food, drug or air sample to monitor and confirm the quality of the production process.
    • • Necessary to ensure safety in food as well as in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

  • iGEM 2013 Europe Gold Partners

  • ERASynbio

    The central idea of ERASynBio is to promote the robust development of Synthetic Biology by structuring and coordinating national efforts and investment. ERASynBio will develop a strategic research agenda / white paper, which will support the emergence of national Synthetic Biology programmes and which will lay the ground for transnational funding activities via joint calls in the project. ERASynBio will stimulate and tackle the interdisciplinary nature and immaturity by offering training and educational possibilities, establishing an interdisciplinary advisory board and inviting observers of other funding organisations. Tight collaboration between academia and industry aiming to fertilize the innovation process will occur on several levels. To adhere to ethical, legal and societal aspects as well as to technical issues like standardisation and infrastructure development ERASynBio will trace and integrate the ongoing work and research on these framework conditions and integrate them in the strategic research.

  • iGEM 2013 Europe Governmental Partners

  • Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Région Rhone-Alpes Grand Lyon

  • iGEM 2013 Europe Academic Partners

  • INSA de Lyon ENS de Lyon CPE de Lyon Université de Lyon BioDocs Lyon

    Lyon Biopole Finovi