Team:Baskent Meds/Project


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Baskent_Meds IGEMwiki

Transformation of Escherichia coli In Order To Develop Legionella pneumophila Sensing Bacteria

Legionella pneumophila is the cause of the Legionnaires' disease which is a type of pneumonia. The bacterium is found in warm water environments, particularly in artificial water supply systems such as air conditioning systems and cooling towers. The enfection occures by inhalation by small droplets of contaminated water. Our aim, as the team “Baskent_Meds”, is developing bacteria which can recognize Legionella pneumophila specifically at species level by legionella quorum sensing, and respond by producing anti-Legionella peptide which is produced by some Staphylococcus strains. Quarum means “minimum”. Legionella pneumophila should sense the minimum amount of cells around to colonize in the environment and express its virulence. So our modified E. coli may sense the presence of Legionella pneumophila in any contaminated surface and kill it.

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