Dr. David Kooyman, Physiology & Developmental Biology
David Kooyman is a professor in the Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology. He earned a PhD in a multi-disciplinary Molecular and Cellular Biology Program at Ohio University. Prior to coming to BYU in 1997, David worked as a Senior Scientist at DNX, a biotechnology company owned by Baxter International. Since coming to BYU he has served as a department chair and associate dean. For several years his research laboratory has been focused on studies involving molecular and cellular approaches to animal physiology and cartilage biology. He is the author of numerous manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals including the prestigious journals Science and Nature Medicine. He regularly includes undergraduate students in his research. Over the past two years, his publications have included 37 different undergraduates as co-authors. He has been invited to make numerous presentations at national and international meetings, three times as a plenary speaker and chaired the 3rd International Conference on Transgenic Animals. David’s reputation has enabled him to establish collaborations with senior scientists at universities and institutes around the world.