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Clotho is for engineering synthetic biological systems and managing the data which is used to create them. It also provides a mechanism to begin the process of creating standardized data, algorithms, and methodologies for synthetic biology. (from Wikipedia)

So, in order to enrich the function of Clotho, our team developed two Apps. One is TTEC,another is Circuit List. The more details are show below.


TTEC developed by SUSTC-Shenzhen-B in 2012, to calculate the efficiency of terminator, and it can draw structure of it, so we transfer it, users can use TTEC through the Clotho Media.

Circuit List

We are committed to build a database like parts registry but Circuit list based on genetic circuit, users can get brief information about genetic circuit, and can get more information such like Protocol about circuit. It is good for making the Synthetic biology more standardized, more modular and more procedural.