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The MaGellin Software Package
Open Source Automated, Quantifiable DNA Analysis for our Assay


The MaGellin Software Package is a MATLAB script that uses computer vision algorithms to calculate the location and intensity of DNA bands. It also has a bioinformatics module to compare the lengths of bands with the expected lengths, based on the methylation sensitivity of the enzymes and the sequence of the plasmid. So, this program is more than another gel quantifier - it interprets the biological meaning of the band lengths and returns experimentally relevant analyses. The MaGellin Software Package is crucial for our workflow because it allows for clear input/output. Since our restriction digests always yield bands in predictable locations, user bias is eliminated and data sets are standardized across trials and labs, accelerating the pace of discovery.

MaGellin converts gel images into standardized data sets, making data analysis quick, easy and unbiased.

A User-friendly GUI that is easy to navigate makes it ideal for first time users.

The bioinformatics module simulates DNA digestion, so you know what bands to expect before even touching a pipette.

Computer vision algorithm calculates location and intensity of DNA bands.

SkyDrive provides open access to data and encourages collaborations. MaGellin is the interface to our assay, and it acts to abstract our plasmid system the same way a programming language abstracts computer hardware.

Read about our future directions!