Team:Heidelberg/Tyrocidine week22 variation


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Gibson assembly of constructs 1 and 7

As these two constructs were the most divergent ones (construct 1 with only short linkers and construct 7 with only very long linkers) we decided to focus on these gibson assembly first This could help to to narrow functional regions.

LV Backbone-concentration Ind-concentration C4-concentration C2-concentration
1 3,27 µl 4,42 µl 1,76 µl 0,55 µl
7 0,97 µl 5,26 µl 2,42 µl 1,34 µl

Afterwards,the constructs were transformed in DH10ß-cells and platet on LB-plates with chloramphenicol. The day after, the Plates containing LV1 and LV7 showed colonies. Therefore colony PCRs were performed.

Mastermixes for colony PCRs:

What µl
iTaq-Polymerase 50
H2O 48
Primer VF2 1
Primer PW20 1

Mastermix for the indC Amplification:

What µl
iTaq-Polymerase 50
H2O 48
Primer VR 1
Primer KH5 1

PCR conditions:

Biometra T100
Cycles temperature [°C] Time [min:s]
1 95 2:00
35 95 0:30
52 0:30
72 2:30
1 72 5:00
1 10 inf


Colony PCR of LV1 A-D and LV7 A-D

Only for construct LV1C a slight band for the Tyrocidine module was visble. To make sure, that there was no mistake in the colony PCR itself, we decided to transform every LV1 construct in BAP. Overnight cultures of them were minipreped with a QiaPrep-Kit.

Concentrations measured via NanoDrop:

Construct Concentration in ng/µl A260/280
LV1A 10,6 0,211/0,1
LV1B 12,2 0,244/0,104
LV1C 11,3 0,226/0,113
LV1D 3,7 0,073/-0,017

Chemical Transformation of LV1 constructs in BAPI

Positive constructs were transformed in BAPI-cells and spread on plates. There were slight blue circles around the colonies of LV1B and LV1C. Colonies of all plates were picked. Without induction LV1B1, LV1B2, LV1B3, LV1C1, LV1C3 turned into a clear visible dark blue. 2ml of these culture were minipreped and treated by restriction digested with ecoR1.

Restriction Digest of LV1B and LV1C with EcoRI
What µl
CutSmart 2
EcoR1 1
ddH2O 14


All LV1 constructs were negative. The Gibson Transformation has to be done again.

colony PCR of LV7

As the former colony-PCR was negative, again colonies of DH10ß were picked and a colony PCR redone.

Mastermix for TycC4dC-C(TycC2) amplification:

What µl
iTaq-Polymerase 5
H2O 3
Primer VF2 1
Primer PW20 1

Mastermix for the Indigoidine Amplification

What µl
iTaq-Polymerase 5
H2O 3
Primer VR 1
Primer KH5 1

colony PCR of LV7-constructs


Biometra T100
Cycles Temperature [°C] Time [min:s]
1 95 2:00
35 95 0:30
52 0:30
72 2:30
1 72 5:00
1 10 inf

Gibson assembly of the other linker-variation constructs

As we had putative positive clones for LV1, we did a Gibson-assembly with the other constucts, too.
Mastermix for Gibson Assembly 10µl Gibson-mastermix + LV-Mix

LV BB indC TycC4dC C(TycC2)
2 0,75 (short) 5,22 (medium) 1,62 (short) 2,41 (medium)
3 1,59 (medium) 3,23 (short) 4,78 (medium) 0,41 (short)
5 1,54 (medium) 3,12 (long) 4,62 (medium) 0,71 (long)
6 0,81 (long) 4,36 (medium) 2,25 (long) 2,58 (medium)
8 3,09 (short) 4,18 (long) 1,67 (short) 1,08 (long)
9 1,01 (long) 5,48 (short) 2,82 (short) 0,68 (short)

These mixes were incubated at 50°C for 1h. Afterwards they were transformed by electroporation and plated out. Colonies were picked and a colony PCR was executed.

Mastermix for TycC4dC-C(TycC2) amplification

What µl
iTaq-Polymerase 5
H2O 3
Primer VF2 1
Primer PW20 1

Mastermix for the Indigoidine amplification

What µl
iTaq-Polymerase 5
H2O 3
Primer VR 1
Primer KH5 1

colony PCR of the constructs 2-9


Biometra T100
Cycles temperature [°C] Time [min:s]
1 95 2:00
35 95 0:30
52 0:30
72 2:30
1 72 5:00
1 10 inf

The constructs of LV3b,c,d were positive, so the liquid cultures were prepared.

colony PCR of LV 2,5,6,7,8,9

What µl
oneTaq-Polymerase 5
H2O 3
Primer VF2 1
Primer PW20 1
Colony PCR of LV2,3,5,6,7,8,9

Mastermix for the Indigoidine Amplification

What µl
oneTaq-Polymerase 5
H2O 3
Primer VR 1
Primer KH5 1


Biometra T100
Cycles temperature [°C] Time [min:s]
1 95 2:00
35 95 0:30
52 0:30
72 2:30
1 72 5:00
1 10 inf