Team:TU Darmstadt/labbook


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Labbook | Materials | Protocols

Detection construct

The assembly of our detection construct proved to be tricky. Not only the traditional cloning approach failed but also the assembly using synthesized gBlocks delivered no results. We finally turned to an In-Fusion cloning approach to assemble our construct. Visit our lab book to read more about our work flow.

Labbookdetection Visit Our Labbook for the detection construct

Fluorescence proteins

The genes for our FRET pair, mKate and LssmOrange, were isolated by PCR, cloned into the biobrick vector and sequenced afterwards. The genes were also cloned into a commercially available expression vector in order to characterize the fluorescent proteins. Visit our lab book to read more about our work flow.

mkate mkateactive

Labbookbiobricks Visit Our Labbook for the fluorescence proteins