- - Two glass plates
- - Gel caster
- - Comb
- - VWR Power Source 300V
Chemicals & consumables
- - SDS
- - Rotiphorese® (30%)
- - Tris HCl
- - Glycine
- - APS
- - Aqua dest.
- - Isopropyle alcohol
- - Separation buffer (18.17 g Tris, 0.40 g SDS, 90 ml Aqua dest., pH = 8.8)
- - Rotiphorese® (30%)
- - Tris HCl
- - Glycine
- - APS
- - Aqua dest.
- - Isopropyle alcohol
- prepare the separating gel and fill it into the chamber
- pour 1 mL isopropyle alcohol on the top of the gel to destroy air bubbles and prevent dehydration
- discard the isoprpyl alcohol and pour the prepared stacking gel
- stick in the comb
- store the gel in wet cloth (to prevent dehydration) at 4°C