Our project
In our project we engineered a synthetic microbial consortium exploiting three different Quorum Sensing systems. Read more about our project here
We engineered the two complementing constructs BBa_K1073034 and BBa_K1073034 that show regulatory behavior in mixed cultures. In single experiments all operation units were proven to be functional. Using both constructs a synthetic consortium between two strains can be created when they are grown in ampicillin containing medium.
You can find a more detailed project description here!
Human Practices
How to reach the public? We developed a guide "How to succeed in Public Relations" for all future iGEM Teams.
Engineering Principles
In nature microorganisms commonly live in symbiosis, be it in form of a protective biofilm or as composite organism[s] such as lichen (a symbiosis of algae/cyanobacteria and fungi). Members of this symbiotic community secrete chemicals that offer protection and nutrition or neutralize toxins.
You can find a more detailed project description here!
In nature microorganisms commonly live in symbiosis, be it in form of a protective biofilm or as composite organism[s] such as lichen (a symbiosis of algae/cyanobacteria and fungi). Members of this symbiotic community secrete chemicals that offer protection and nutrition or neutralize toxins.
You can find a more detailed project description here!