The iGEM Team Braunschweig
Spread the ideas of student research from Braunschweig internationally for the first time?
Represent our university in the renowned iGEM competition for the first time?
Yes, that’s our goal! And that is why we launched the first TU Braunschweig iGEM team. We are a motley crew: Bachelor- and Master students of Biotechnology, PhD students who support the team with their expertise in lab work and act as supervisors and communication scientists who are responsible for press and public relations. From now on until October we focus on successfully completing our project and will have a good time with our fantastic first TU Braunschweig iGEM team!Team Members
Name: Jan-Michael Blum
Age: 24
Occupation: Master student of Biotechnology
Why I take part in the iGEM competition:
iGEM combines the challenges of a complex project realistically. Hence the competition simulates a task profile, which might occur in future jobs as well. Learning these manifold interactions is my motivation.
Name: Lara Ehemann
Age: 24
Occupation: Master student of Communication Studies
Why I take part in the iGEM competition:
As I am no natural scientist I never heard of the iGEM-competition before. Now I am responsible for press and public relations and I am sure that iGEM has a lot to offer: not only research but also teamwork, networking and the promotion of young academics are part of the competition. For me, the interdisciplinary concept is especially important: I can pass on my knowledge to the scientists among us and in return I get an insight into synthetic biology.
Name: Roman Hilje
Age: 24
Occupation: Master student of Biotechnology
Why I take part in the iGEM competition:
Because it will definitely be a lot of fun!
Name: Oliver Konzock
Age: 21
Occupation: Bachelor student of Biotechnology
Why I take part in the iGEM competition:
This competition offers various interesting opportunities, such as using my knowledge and learning new stuff. Additionally, I enjoy creating a project from A to Z including collecting and discussing ideas, financial issues, PR and finally realizing our ideas.
Name: Kevin Kramm
Age: 24
Occupation: Master student of Biotechnology
Why I take part in the iGEM competition:
To put the skills acquired during my studies to use in an exciting project. Protein overexpression in a labcourse isn’t exactly thrilling. Creating a fully functional molecular machine for iGEM – that’s a real challenge.
Name: Kerstin Kretschmer
Age: 23
Occupation: Master student of Biotechnology
Why I take part in the iGEM competition:
The iGEM-competition gives me the opportunity to develop ideas in a group and experience the path from having the idea to the realization of the project and the final presentation of results. In difference to the everyday university life I’ll be not only confronted with the scientific but also the organizational aspects of a project. In addition, I can take part at the international level in the synthetic biology research and exchange ideas with other participants.
Name: Judith Mönch-Tegeder
Age: 25
Occupation: PhD student
Why I take part in the iGEM competition:
I am part of the iGEM team Braunschweig to experience the unique atmosphere of an international competition. Doing so I can show what can be accomplished in the field of synthetic biology.