Team:BYU Provo/Notebook/SmallPhage/Springexp/Period1/Dailylog
Small Phage Spring Notebook: April 29 - May 12 Daily Log
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5/1/13 - Commencement of spring!!! - Discussed goals and outlined plans for spring term
5/2/13 - Designed primers for amplifying and sequencing phage capsid protein - Wrote emails inquiring mutagen (NG) and plasmid for in vitro assembly
5/3/13 - Performed agar test, focusing primarily on ×8 - Processed phage amplification
5/4/13 - Performed dilution series using stock 5.3 (-1 through -11) - Started two 5mL overnights of BL21
5/5/13 - Spot test using stock 5.3 and its dilution series (from 5.4) - Started liquid culture for purification team (at around noon)
- Started 5.5 amplification from a plaque test
5/6/13 - Continued 5.3 T7 phage amplification/purification - Performed liquid culture phage concentration test
5/7/13 - Started two 5mL of E coli BL21 overnight - Designed procedure for applying mutagen and selecting for T7
5/8/13 - Went over procedure for applying mutagen and PCR with Dr. Grose - Performed spot tests under 5.6 T7+ Liquid Culture Phage Concentration Test - Started two 5mL BL21 overnights - Learned how to create LB plates
5/9/13 - Practiced with ×6 and ×8 top agar - Started 5.9 T7+ Liquid Culture Phage Concentration Test #2 - Discussed plans and schedule for next week.
5/10/13 - Worked on Progress Report
5/12/13 - Started two 5mL overnight at around 6pm