Lab Weeks
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16 | Week 17 | Week 18
Week 18
Monday 30th September
Ligated CMV with MMP9 and transformed into Top10 cells. These were subsequently plated on chloramphenicol plates.
Tuesday 1st October
Inoculated colonies from plates from September 30th.
Wednesday 2nd October
Performed miniprep and generated glycerol stock from incoluation on Oct 1st.
Proceeded with analytical digest and gel
Transformed CMV+MMP9 plasmid from Sinobiological into Top10 cells
Thursday 3nd October
Religated CMV with MMP9 and continued with transformation into Top10 cells.
Inoculated from plates of plasmid from Sinobiological
Friday 4th October
Performed miniprep, generation of glycerol stock on inoculation from Oct 3rd
Continued with analytical digest and gel