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How Technical

We created a mathematical model to verify that obligate mutualism was theoretically possible. Since the S. cerevisiae and E. coli will depend on each other to survive, if one population dies the other will follow. From the model, we developed predictions about the initial concentrations of S. cerevisiae and E. coli needed for co-dependence, and devised more informed laboratory experiments. See the technical section for the model derivation or either section for the model's predictions.

In this section we derive the mathematical model, make it dimensionless, and qualitatvely analyze it
The following ODEs describe our system $$ \frac{dE}{dt} = -k_1 E + k_3 L E $$ $$ \frac{dY}{dt} = -k_2 Y + k_4 E Y $$ $$ \frac{dL}{dt} = k_5 Y - k_6 E L$$ where
• E represents E. coli
• Y represents Yeast
• L represents Lactate
• t represents time
• Parameters $k_1$ through $k_6$ describe the population dynamics

To simplify the system further we assume that the concentration of lactate equilibrtates rapidly compared to the bacteria and yeast concentrations so that $$\frac{dL}{dt} = 0 \\ k_5 Y - k_6 E L = 0 \\ L = \frac{k_5 Y}{k_6 E}$$ Substituting this into the original model gives the following two by two ODE system $$\frac{dE}{dt} = -k_1 E + k_3 \frac{k_5}{k_6} Y \\ \frac{Y}{dt} = -k_2 Y + k_4 E Y \\$$ Before we can analyze the model, we must make it dimensionless. Let $k_1 = \alpha$, $k_3 \frac{k_5}{k_6} = \gamma$, $k_2 = \sigma$, and $k_4 = \phi$ so that the model becomes $$\frac{dE}{dt} = -\alpha E + \gamma Y \\ \frac{dY}{dt} = -\sigma Y + \phi E Y $$ Setting the dimensionless parameters to be $$ e = \frac{E}{\frac{\sigma}{\phi}} \\ y = \frac{Y}{\frac{\alpha \sigma}{\phi \gamma}} \\ s = \frac{t}{\frac{1}{\alpha}} $$ simplifies the model to \begin{align} \frac{de}{ds} = y - e \\ \frac{dy}{ds} = \theta y (e - 1) \end{align} where $\theta = \frac{\sigma}{\alpha} = \frac{k_2}{k_1}$ which is the ratio of the decay rate of S. cerevisiae to E. coli. We can now qualitivately analyze the model and make predictions for behavior. The dimensionless model $$ \frac{de}{ds} = y - e \\ \frac{dy}{ds} = \theta y (e - 1)$$ has steady states at ($0$, $0$) and ($1$, $1$). We get the system's Jacobian to be $$ J = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 1 \\ \theta y & \theta e - \theta \end{bmatrix} \\ $$ At the steady state ($0$, $0$) the Jacobian, trace, and determinant are \begin{align} J(0, 0) &= \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 1 \\ 0 & -\theta \end{bmatrix} \\ tr(J(0,0)) &= -1 - \theta \\ det(J(0,0))&= \theta \end{align} Since the determinant is positive and the trace is negative, this steady state is always stable. This means that initial concentrations close to (0, 0) are predicted to die. $\\$ The other steady state is ($1,1$), and its Jacobian, trace, and determinant are \begin{align} J(1, 1) &= \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 1 \\ \theta & 0 \end{bmatrix} \\ tr(J(1, 1) &= -1 \\ det(J(1, 1) &= -\theta \end{align} Since both the trace and determinant are negative, this steady state is a saddle point. Therefore, depending on the initial conditions, the population will either die or survive as shown in the next section.
Survival Predictions
Play with the interactive graph to see if the population survives or dies

Our model has three unknown parameters: the initial concentration of yeast, the initial concentration of E. coli, and the dimensionless parameter theta. In wet lab, we can control the initial concentrations used, but we cannot control theta. In the figures below, we graphed the phase plane of our model and the solution to the system of differential equations. Drag and drop the blue dot to adjust the initial concentrations used and the slider to adjust theta to determine if the populations will survive or not!

We created a mathematical model to verify that obligate mutualism was theoretically possible. Since the S. cerevisiae and E. coli will depend on each other to survive, if one population dies the other will follow. From the model, we developed predictions about the initial concentrations of S. cerevisiae and E. coli needed for co-dependence, and devised more informed laboratory experiments. See the technical section for the model derivation or either section for the model's predictions.

Survival Predictions
Play with the interactive graph to see if the population survives or dies

We developed a useful visual tool for analysis, called a phase plane, as seen below. The blue dot represents the initial concentrations of the Yeasts and E. Coli populations used in our experiments. Drag the blue dot around to change our initial concentrations of Yeast and E. Coli concentrations to determine if the population will survive!

You can also adjust the value of the theta, which is another parameter in the model. We are not sure what the actual value of it is, but you can play with it to see how it influences the populations.

Beneath the phase plan, is a graph which shows how the Yeast and E. Coli populations change with time.