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Clotho applications.


Clotho is a popular software framework in synthetic biology. It provides many applications which are very useful in synthetic biology. It can also extend itself by utilizing applications developed by others. So, in order to enrich the function of Clotho and to make more people experience our software, we developed two applications, Circuit List and TTEC.

Circuit List

Circuit List

This year we invited our advisor Qie Boyu to upload a new open course about interesting synthetic biology to YouTube. This video could let rookies be more interested in synthetic biology and iGEM. And we made the open course livelier and easier to understand. So we believe that more and more people who have watched our video would develop an interest in iGEM and synthetic biology.


TTEC, which is short for Transcriptional Terminator Efficiency Calculator, was developed by team SUSTC-Shenzhen-B in 2012. It calculate the efficiency of transcription terminator from the primary nucleotide sequences. We transplanted TTEC to Clotho platform to make more people use this useful tool. And this is prompted by iGEM that use existing iGEM software to develop new tools.If you want to know more about TTEC, the older one, please visit wiki of SUSTC-Shenzhen-B 2012. Here we only provide tutorial.