

Revision as of 08:25, 3 October 2013 by Ggirelli (Talk | contribs)

{ "date" : "2013-07-09", "author" : "Bruno", "title" : "Ripenator v1.0", "content" : "I set up a system to ripening or block ripening a set of green (immature) bananas.
The idea is to grow into a beaker our strain of E. coli that produces ethylene, and connect it to a laboratory dryer with bananas. In this way, E. coli (be stirred and 37 ° C), producing Ethylene, should increase the maturation of the banana in the dryer connected.
In addition, we have included in another beaker Mesa pure with LB, which should slow down the ripening at high concentration and should promote the ripening at low concentrations.", "tags" : "Ripenator-Mesa-Ethylene" }