Team:Imperial College/Managing Waste


Revision as of 13:58, 29 September 2013 by Rkelwick (Talk | contribs)


Managing waste is a both a technological and social challenge

Our society faces an extraordinary waste management challenge. It is clear that multiple solutions are needed to address these global challenges with local solutions. Our solution for dealing with waste is a technological one. It aims to reduce the harmful impacts that incineration and landfilling have on our environment and also to retain the resources locked up in the waste in a useable form. However, it is clear that we should not be relying on after-the-event solutions to try to solve problems which are caused to a large extent by the choices we make. The waste hierarchy shown below indicates the decreasing dependence we should place on subsequent steps in our bid to reduce waste.

The waste hierarchy of the EU, Directive 2008/98

Powerday Visit

City Hall Meeting

Human Practices Panel

Insert video here

Recycling Posters

To help raise awareness of our project and at the same time promote recycling awareness we decided to create these posters. Click on the posters to download a PDF version

Project overview poster.jpg
5 offenders textile.jpg
5 offenders bags.jpg
5 offenders cups.jpg
5 offenders bottles.jpg
5 offenders food.jpg


Engaging with waste management stakeholders

We engaged with an array of individuals and organisations that are critical of Synthetic Biology and are supporters of increased recycling and moving towards a less consumerist society.


"I believe that by the end of this century we will be able to mine our landfills and use their contents..." [ Green Technology Forum]

"Nem feltétlenül igaz tehát az az elkeserítő jövőkép, amelyben minden eláraszt a műanyag szemét. Remélhetőleg a közeljövőben a műanyaggyártás egyre nagyobb mértékben átáll a komposztálható műanyagok előállítására, a már meglevő szemét eltüntetésére pedig hatékony és környezetkímélő módszereket sikerül kidolgozni." (don`t worry I`m gonna translate this. MK)[ Critical Biomass]

Our Sponsors

TueSponsorsEppendorf.png 125px Invitrogen.jpg Geneart.jpg CSynBI.JPG