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Revision as of 13:28, 24 July 2013

IGEM Home Newcastle University



Our project focuses on the creation and potential applications of L-forms of Bacillus subtilis. L-forms are bacterial cells that are able to propagate and grow without a cell wall. We propose that L-forms can be used as a novel chassis for synthetic biology.

We are creating a BioBrick to facilitate the switching of Bacillus subtilis cells from rod-shape to L-form allowing future iGEM teams to work with this as a chassis. This BioBrick will be under the control of a xylose inducible promoter allowing L-form cells to return to rod-shape when required.

One of the many applications possible with L-forms is genome shuffling. It is significantly easier to fuse bacteria without cell walls interfering with the process. Fusion of L-forms will cause genetic recombination between cells, forcing bacteria to reproduce sexually, and can be used for directed evolution. We will create BioBricks encoding green and red fluorescently labelled Hbsu’s (non-specific DNA binding protein) in order to tag bacterial chromosomes, and observe this recombination.

We aim to put L-forms into single cell wide microfluidics channels with differently shaped end chambers. We will then observe whether the L-forms will grow and take up the shape of these chambers due to their lack of cell wall.

L-forms can exist in plants in a symbiotic relationship with the plant providing an osmotically suitable environment. In return, L-forms can confer benefits to their host including reducing the rate of fungal infection. We plan to grow GFP labelled L-forms inside plants to visualise this relationship. Future L-forms could be engineered to supply nutrients to their host plant, potentially increasing crop yield in low fertility soil. L-forms are osmotically sensitive, giving the ethical advantage that they would lyse if they escaped from their host plant into the environment.

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Box 1

The text is revealed!

In ac est sit amet magna posuere auctor quis nec nunc. Duis pellentesque elit nec velit adipiscing fermentum. Integer accumsan lorem arcu, quis pretium mi. Integer blandit elementum consectetur. Duis egestas, sem vitae pharetra sagittis, velit erat placerat neque, ut blandit libero odio in neque. Curabitur ultricies nulla a enim viverra fermentum viverra lacus varius. Praesent sed libero vitae metus volutpat ullamcorper aliquam vel tortor. Nunc non pulvinar nulla. Donec fringilla dolor accumsan purus consequat vulputate. Vivamus libero elit, venenatis sagittis bibendum quis, pretium non justo. Donec sollicitudin eleifend pretium.

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Box 2

Fusce neque urna, ornare ut mattis eget, ullamcorper eu risus. Nam euismod odio faucibus purus ultricies ut pretium turpis mollis. Nam vitae risus vitae nunc consequat pellentesque. Mauris risus urna, volutpat eget lobortis ac, auctor vitae justo. Cras venenatis auctor aliquam. Nam ornare accumsan aliquet. Ut nunc turpis, ullamcorper ut euismod a, molestie sed eros. Maecenas eget sapien nulla, et ullamcorper mauris. Aenean bibendum erat a nisi ultricies nec sodales diam vulputate.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut sed purus sem, quis auctor augue. Etiam molestie dapibus libero lacinia hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elementum malesuada facilisis. Quisque sodales viverra massa in sollicitudin. Mauris eget massa non felis dictum porta.

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Training Week

Training Week

The team spent the first week of iGEM learning different basic lab techniques and modelling principles. Everything was documented and written up as a "Starter's Guide" to Synthetic Biology which can be found by clicking this box.

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Box 4

Sed hendrerit bibendum risus, ut aliquam ligula malesuada id. Vestibulum sed elit mi. Proin condimentum, urna vitae hendrerit porta, elit nibh placerat diam, vitae vestibulum lectus tortor in sem. Etiam dictum lacus congue velit fermentum et feugiat enim tempus. Nulla accumsan, justo ac auctor consequat, risus libero suscipit tellus, a vehicula urna nulla sit amet lectus. Duis viverra erat a tortor hendrerit rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec hendrerit turpis vel diam laoreet auctor. Mauris scelerisque purus lobortis lacus ullamcorper gravida.

Maecenas sapien velit, sodales ac congue pretium, scelerisque eget nunc. Aenean ut sapien sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque aliquet scelerisque lacinia. Maecenas id felis sed arcu porta pretium aliquam sit amet lacus. Fusce ac aliquam orci. Pellentesque velit lorem, elementum a tristique in, ornare sed mauris. In at mattis nisi. Donec malesuada, lectus eu varius dictum, dui mi ultrices odio, non adipiscing augue tortor non felis.

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An L-form is a bacterium that has no cell wall. Bacterial morphology is determined by the cell wall, and so their morphology differs from the strain of bacteria from which they are derived, giving rise to a variety of cell sizes. The cell wall is important for cell division. Binary fission is a highly conserved mechanism required for proliferation of almost all cells. Due to the absence of the cell wall, L-forms are easily transformed, so we propose to use inducible L-forms of Bacillus subtilis as a novel chassis.

We are working on four themes which include: Shuffling, Recombination & Endosymbiosis; Introducing and detecting L-forms in Plants; Shape-shifting; Investigating two-component systems in L-forms. Details of the individual themes can be found under "Projects" on the main menu

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Box 6

Sed semper volutpat libero, ut egestas tortor porttitor auctor. Vivamus fermentum, nibh sagittis fringilla viverra, magna odio pharetra lorem, ut lobortis tellus ipsum ac erat. Vestibulum vitae dui ac mauris rhoncus placerat sit amet sed neque. Etiam interdum varius egestas. Ut malesuada tortor quis metus dapibus vitae scelerisque enim elementum. Sed lacinia est sit amet lacus tincidunt nec imperdiet velit congue.

Nullam vehicula erat eu libero tristique cursus. Nulla vel lectus arcu, accumsan viverra tellus. Praesent nec felis urna. Nunc eu quam ac metus condimentum molestie. Praesent condimentum accumsan elit. Vestibulum tristique enim ac nulla tempor dapibus. Mauris condimentum urna a lectus tincidunt id vehicula risus aliquam.

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Box 7

Duis neque purus, auctor quis pellentesque ac, dapibus et neque. Cras sed metus laoreet ante ultricies vestibulum. Phasellus quis sapien quis est semper pulvinar vel vitae sapien. Nulla facilisi. Sed consectetur viverra suscipit. Vestibulum ut auctor ante. Sed pulvinar iaculis est ut tristique. Nunc semper, metus ac congue dictum, enim est vehicula est, quis eleifend risus risus venenatis eros. Etiam gravida aliquet interdum. Cras commodo laoreet euismod.

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Box 8

Morbi nunc nunc, volutpat non mollis a, condimentum et tortor. In mattis egestas mi vitae iaculis. In tempor eleifend dolor ut interdum. Duis et libero diam, a malesuada diam. Morbi nibh purus, tincidunt ac eleifend in, posuere et nunc. Donec facilisis condimentum tortor, et mollis diam laoreet sit amet. Nunc vestibulum risus sed urna adipiscing malesuada. Phasellus vitae suscipit libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.