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This image shows our ideal and final circuit. In a dark state, the sensor protein YF-1 auto-phosphorilates itself and then pass the phosphate to the response regulator element FixJ. FixJ is so activated and is able to bind pFixK2 promoters and activate transcription of cI (inhibitor protein) that blocks EFE transcription and Bmst1, the gene necessary for the last step in MeSA synthesis. In a blue-light state the sensor protein YF-1 does not phosphorilate itself, so pFixK2 promoter are not activated: ethylene is produced while MeSA is not.  

Revision as of 11:06, 19 September 2013

This image shows our ideal and final circuit. In a dark state, the sensor protein YF-1 auto-phosphorilates itself and then pass the phosphate to the response regulator element FixJ. FixJ is so activated and is able to bind pFixK2 promoters and activate transcription of cI (inhibitor protein) that blocks EFE transcription and Bmst1, the gene necessary for the last step in MeSA synthesis. In a blue-light state the sensor protein YF-1 does not phosphorilate itself, so pFixK2 promoter are not activated: ethylene is produced while MeSA is not.
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