Team:BYU Provo/Notebook/LargePhage/Springexp/Period3/Dailylog
Large Phage May - June Notebook: May 27 - June 16 Daily Log
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5/27/13 On Tuesday, the grids were imaged on the electron microscope. The film has not yet been developed, but the preliminary results were not what we were expecting in that we saw no giant phage in either sample. We will post images of the actual electron micrographs when they have been developed and scanned.
5/29/13 Today we received our kit containing E. coli B, T1, T2, and T3. We streaked out some of the E. coli B on an LB plate in preparation to grow it in a flask and archive it in the freezer. Today we wanted to see if we can transfer our current experiment from using E. coli W3110 as the host to E. coli B as the host. We set up multiple experiments.
5/31/13 I took out the plates from last time's experiments.
Also, today Jade taught me how to set up the website- so I worked on that.
6/3/13 KS- I spent most of today getting the website in order and organized for future experiments to be entered in easily!
6/5/13 Today we updated our experiments, daily log, and worked on our progress report.