

Oreva Business Template

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Our team

12 members pulling together make all the difference. Every day is full of smile and confidence. Every day is a new day!

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Our project

This year we built a gene circuit with synchronizing genetic oscillations in multiple levels (liquid & gas phase).
Just think, what an amazing thing it would be when all the E.coli twinkle in the same phase.

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Our software & modeling

The mathematic model of oscillation gave us a deeper understanding about our circuit.
The image analysis software reduced most of work in post processing about the microfluidic photos.

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Human practice

Playing with 300 senior high students in the garden party left us wonderful memories. Guessing the lantern riddles is really interesting, right?

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Society & Safety

Safety is the most important thing in the wet lab. Our team has done a series of work to meet the requirement.

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