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<h5 class="hashed"><span>Overview for our application</span></h5>
<h5 class="hashed"><span>1 lactobacillus: from lactose to lactic acid</span></h5>
<p>In applications, we plan to enhance Bio-electric Interface, the device designed by 2012 Edinburg iGEM team. If the input is biochemical signal molecules and the output become electrons, B-POM can be coupled with Bio-electric Interface, that ephemeral processes in cells will be precisely measurable by simple electronic methods and analyzable by computer. B-POM is also helpful in yoghurt producing, where the control of pH is inaccurate. When B-POM is transplanted into yoghurt-producing bacteria, let hydrogen ions be the input and lacR be the output, and select the proper B-POM parameters, then the pH will be steady around 5.5. In short, our inspired and reliable device is promising in various fields.</p>
LS+Lout <=> temp1 : R1(乳糖与透过酶结合)
vf = k1*Lout*LS(正反应速率与反应物浓度成正比)
vr =k_1*temp1(逆反应速率与产物成正比)
temp1 => L+LS : R2(乳糖被运到胞内)
<p>Reaction 1: endocytosis transportation of lactose
vf = k2*temp1(正反应速率与反应物浓度成正比)
<p>Table 1 the definition variables
<p>The unit of concentration is mmol/L.
L+LZ <=> temp2 : R3(乳糖与半乳糖苷酶结合)
<p>LS+Lout <=> temp1 : R1(lactose combines with transporting enzyme)
vf = k3*L*LZ(正反应速率与反应物浓度成正比)
<p>vf = k1*Lout*LS(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)
vr = k_3*temp2(逆反应速率与产物成正比)
<p>vr =k_1*temp1(the reverse reaction rate is proportional to product’s concentration)
<p>temp1 => L+LS : R2(lactose is transported into the cell)
<p>vf = k2*temp1(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)
temp2 => Glu+LZ+gala : R4(乳糖分解生成葡萄糖和半乳糖)
<p>Lout is known as 136mmol/L. We estimate that the time for the overall transportation of lactose into cells is 400s and assume that k1=0.1,k_1=0.05,k2=0.1,LS=5,temp1=0,L=0。Then the simulation result is as below:
vf = k4*temp2(正反应速率与反应物浓度成正比)
Glu => 2*PA : R5(葡萄糖分解成丙酮酸,此为多步反应)
<img src="" alt=""/>
vf = k5*Glu(假设分解速率与葡萄糖浓度成正比)
<p>Fig 1. Simulation of lactose transportation
PA => LA : R6(丙酮酸加氢生成乳酸)
<p>We can get from the simulation that the transportation is completed when time is 300s.
vf = rm1*PA/(Km1+PA)(假设底物充足,反应速率满足米氏方程)
<p>Reaction 2: from lactose to lactic acid
<p>L+LZ <=> temp2 : R3(lactose combines with galactosidase)
<p>vf = k3*L*LZ(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)
k3 = 0.1(乳糖与半乳糖苷酶结合速率常数)
<p>vr = k_3*temp2(the reverse reaction rate is proportional to product’s concentration)
k_3 = 0.05(复合物分解速率常数)
k4 = 0.1(乳糖分解速率常数)
<p>temp2 => Glu+LZ+gala : R4(lactose decomposes into glucose and galactose)
k5 = 0.1(葡萄糖生成丙酮酸的速率常数)
<p>vf = k4*temp2(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)
rm1 = 35(丙酮酸生成乳酸的最大速率)
Km1 = 100(米氏常数)
<p>Glu => 2*PA : R5(glucose decomposes into pyruvic acid, multi-step reaction)
<p>vf = k5*Glu(decomposition rate is proportional to glucose concentration)
<p>PA => LA : R6(from pyruvic acid to lactic acid)
<p>vf = rm1*PA/(Km1+PA)(Michealis equation, the reactant is adequate)
<p>the simulation result is as below:
<p>Fig 2. Simulation of lactic acid produciton
<p>We can get from the simulation that all lactose becomes lactic acid. The final concentration of lactic acid is 272 mmol/L.
<p>Then we consider reaction1 and reaction2 together, the simulation result is as below:
<p>Fig 3. Considering reacton1 and 2 together
<p>We can see that once lactose enters cells, it is consumed, and the transportation of lactose is faster than the production of lactic acid, which ensure that the production of lactic acid is continuing.
<p>The cells are assumed in normal condition.
<p>Now we are going to analyze the pH switching function f(p)=1-tanh(n*(p-p*)). The curve of f(x)=1-tanh(x) is as below:
<p>Fig 4. Curve of f(x)=1-tanh(x)
由此,我们可以看出当n=1时细胞pH比阈值pH小1时pH开关才算完全开  启
<p>When x=1, f(x) is nearly 0, the switch is off. That is, when n=1, the difference between pH in cell and pH threshold should be smaller than 1 that the switch can be on.
<p>The curve of f(x)=1-tanh(30*x) is as below:
<p>Fig 5. Curve of f(x)=1-tanh(30*x)
<p>When x=0.1, f(x) is nearly 0, the switch is off. That is, when n=30, the difference between pH in cell and pH threshold should be smaller than 0.1 that the switch can be on.  
<p>Besides, we get the relationship between pH and lactic acid concentration from experiments:
<p>its curve is as below:
<p>Fig 5. Relationship between pH and lactic acid concentration
2 用pH诱导的启动子表达LacR蛋白
<p>In experiments, the maximum of pH is 6.3, the minimum is 3.6. We assume that the threshold of pH is 5.5.
=> LA : R7(假设乳酸为常量272)
vf = 0(因为为常数反应速率为0)
=> mRNA1 : R8(转录生成LacR的mRNA)
vf = v0+v1*f(LA)-dm1*mRNA1(f(x)为pH开关函数,此时f()函数的n=1)
=> LR : R9(生成LacR蛋白)
<h5 class="hashed"><span>2 the expression of LacR through pH-induced promoter</span></h5>
vf = km*mRNA1-dn1*LR(转录速率)
  => mRNA2 : R10(透过酶与半乳糖苷酶mRNA的转录)
<p>=> LA
vf = vm-dm2*mRNA2-c*a*LR/(1+a*LR)(转录速率)
<p>vf = 0
  <p>=> mRNA1
<p>vf = v0+v1*f(LA)-dm1*mRNA1
  => LS : R11(透过酶的生成)
  <p>=> LR
vf = ks*mRNA2-ds*LS
<p>vf = km*mRNA1-dn1*LR
  => LZ : R12(半乳糖苷酶的生成)
  <p>=> mRNA2
vf = kz*mRNA2-dz*LZ
<p>vf = vm-dm2*mRNA2-c*a*LR/(1+a*LR)  
LA(0) = 272 (假设全部乳糖转变为乳酸的情况下)
<p>=> LS
LR(0) = 10 (LACR初始浓度)
<p>vf = ks*mRNA2-ds*LS
LS(0) = 5 (透过酶初始浓度)
LZ(0) = 5 (半乳糖苷酶初始浓度)
<p>=> LZ
mRNA1(0) = 1 (LacR的mRNA的初始浓度)
<p>vf = kz*mRNA2-dz*LZ
mRNA2(0) = 1(透过酶与半乳糖苷酶mRNA的初始浓度)
v0 = 1 (LacR的mRNA基础转录速率)
<p>Table 3 the value of variables
v1 = 30 (LacR的mRNA在pH诱导下增加的速率)
dm1 = 0.5 (LacR的mRNA的降解速率)
km = 1 (LacR的mRNA转录速率常数)
<p>the simulation result is as below:
dn1 = 0.5 (LacR的mRNA降解速率常数)
vm = 1 (透过酶与半乳糖苷酶mRNA基础转录速率)
c = 1.2 (透过酶与半乳糖苷酶mRNA转录被抑制的最大程度)
a = 1 (透过酶与半乳糖苷酶mRNA对抑制因子的敏感度)
dm2 = 0.2(透过酶与半乳糖苷酶mRNA降解速率)
ks = 1 (透过酶mRNA翻译速率常数)
ds = 0.5 (透过酶降解速率常数)
kz = 1 (半乳糖苷酶mRNA翻译速率常)
dz = 0.5(半乳糖苷酶降解速率常数)
<p>Fig 6. Simulation of pH induction
<p>Form the figure we can see that in 20s (far from 400s) the concentration of transporting enzyme and galactosidase is very small, which means the inhibition resulted from pH induction is transitory for production of lactic acid. In other word, the inhibition can respond to the fast change of pH.
<p>Finally, we put pH induction and lactic acid production together.
<p>When n=1, the simulation is as below:
<p>Fig 7. Taking pH induction and lactic acid production together (n=1)
<p>We can see that the concentration of lactic acid doesn’t decline but only slow down (the inhibition). Time to achieve platform phase increases to 800s.
<p>When n=30, the simulation is as below:
乳糖的积累,反而导致了转化成乳酸的速率增加,(这里解释一下,乳糖的积累是由于转运速率 与分解速率不相同所致,乳酸产生速率增加是因为胞内乳糖的积累从而使得产生葡萄糖的速率增加,进而使乳酸生成速率变大)从而使得反应到达平台的时间变短。
<p>Fig 8. Taking pH induction and lactic acid production together (n=30)
<p>The time to achieve platform phase decreases to 100s.

Latest revision as of 04:14, 28 September 2013



1 lactobacillus: from lactose to lactic acid

Reaction 1: endocytosis transportation of lactose

Table 1 the definition variables

The unit of concentration is mmol/L.

LS+Lout <=> temp1 : R1(lactose combines with transporting enzyme)

vf = k1*Lout*LS(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)

vr =k_1*temp1(the reverse reaction rate is proportional to product’s concentration)

temp1 => L+LS : R2(lactose is transported into the cell)

vf = k2*temp1(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)

Lout is known as 136mmol/L. We estimate that the time for the overall transportation of lactose into cells is 400s and assume that k1=0.1,k_1=0.05,k2=0.1,LS=5,temp1=0,L=0。Then the simulation result is as below:

Fig 1. Simulation of lactose transportation

We can get from the simulation that the transportation is completed when time is 300s.

Reaction 2: from lactose to lactic acid

L+LZ <=> temp2 : R3(lactose combines with galactosidase)

vf = k3*L*LZ(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)

vr = k_3*temp2(the reverse reaction rate is proportional to product’s concentration)

temp2 => Glu+LZ+gala : R4(lactose decomposes into glucose and galactose)

vf = k4*temp2(the reaction rate is proportional to reactants’ concentrations)

Glu => 2*PA : R5(glucose decomposes into pyruvic acid, multi-step reaction)

vf = k5*Glu(decomposition rate is proportional to glucose concentration)

PA => LA : R6(from pyruvic acid to lactic acid)

vf = rm1*PA/(Km1+PA)(Michealis equation, the reactant is adequate)

the simulation result is as below:  

Fig 2. Simulation of lactic acid produciton

We can get from the simulation that all lactose becomes lactic acid. The final concentration of lactic acid is 272 mmol/L.

Then we consider reaction1 and reaction2 together, the simulation result is as below:

Fig 3. Considering reacton1 and 2 together

We can see that once lactose enters cells, it is consumed, and the transportation of lactose is faster than the production of lactic acid, which ensure that the production of lactic acid is continuing.

The cells are assumed in normal condition.

Now we are going to analyze the pH switching function f(p)=1-tanh(n*(p-p*)). The curve of f(x)=1-tanh(x) is as below:

Fig 4. Curve of f(x)=1-tanh(x)

When x=1, f(x) is nearly 0, the switch is off. That is, when n=1, the difference between pH in cell and pH threshold should be smaller than 1 that the switch can be on.

The curve of f(x)=1-tanh(30*x) is as below:

Fig 5. Curve of f(x)=1-tanh(30*x)

When x=0.1, f(x) is nearly 0, the switch is off. That is, when n=30, the difference between pH in cell and pH threshold should be smaller than 0.1 that the switch can be on.

Besides, we get the relationship between pH and lactic acid concentration from experiments:


its curve is as below:

Fig 5. Relationship between pH and lactic acid concentration

In experiments, the maximum of pH is 6.3, the minimum is 3.6. We assume that the threshold of pH is 5.5.

2 the expression of LacR through pH-induced promoter

=> LA

vf = 0

=> mRNA1

vf = v0+v1*f(LA)-dm1*mRNA1

=> LR

vf = km*mRNA1-dn1*LR

=> mRNA2

vf = vm-dm2*mRNA2-c*a*LR/(1+a*LR)

=> LS

vf = ks*mRNA2-ds*LS

=> LZ

vf = kz*mRNA2-dz*LZ

Table 3 the value of variables

the simulation result is as below:

Fig 6. Simulation of pH induction

Form the figure we can see that in 20s (far from 400s) the concentration of transporting enzyme and galactosidase is very small, which means the inhibition resulted from pH induction is transitory for production of lactic acid. In other word, the inhibition can respond to the fast change of pH.

Finally, we put pH induction and lactic acid production together.

When n=1, the simulation is as below:

Fig 7. Taking pH induction and lactic acid production together (n=1)

We can see that the concentration of lactic acid doesn’t decline but only slow down (the inhibition). Time to achieve platform phase increases to 800s.

When n=30, the simulation is as below:

Fig 8. Taking pH induction and lactic acid production together (n=30)

The time to achieve platform phase decreases to 100s.