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        <p style="color:#999"><strong>Most of the guest in the audience at our podiums discussion were around 25 years old and had a university background in biology.</strong></p>
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<h2>1. What is your general attitude towards genetic engineering?</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>The general opinion towards genetic engineering was split between being positive and mixed.</strong></p>
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<h2>2. Would you consume geneticaly modified food?</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>Only 6% of our audience would not consume genetically manipulated food. More than 60% would consume those items. The rest was undecided.</strong></p>
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<h2>3. Woud you pay more for food, if no genetics were used in ist production? If yes, how much? (in %)</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>For food without any genetically changes only one quarter of the audience would pay more. More than 50% would not pay more for “clean” food.</strong></p>
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<h2>4. Where do you think antibiotic restistances come from?</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>In agreement with our speakers at the discussion, most guests had the right idea about where new antibiotic resistances come from. 60% think they come from a misuse of antibiotics in general. </strong></p>
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<h2>5. Imaging you are not feeling well. How fast would you use antibiotics?</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>In case of being sick, our audience would act as the specialists advise to act: Use antibiotics only as a last weapon and when the doctor prescribes it.  </strong></p>
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<h2>6. How did the panel discussion influence your opinion towards gene technology?</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>Since most of our guests already had a positive opinion towards “gen-tec”, it is not surprising that 78% did not change their opinion about it. 22% of the audience changed their opinion after the discussion in one way or the other.  </strong></p>
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<h2>7. After this discussion, what would you pay more attention to? (you can chose more than one option)</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>With our discussion we could pursue more than half of our audience to think more about their food, their usage of antibiotics and genetic engineering in general. </strong></p>
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<h2>8. If you had to vote tomorrow, would you...</h2>
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<p style="color:#999"><strong>The elections in Germany are coming up in September. That is why we asked our audience, how they would vote regarding genetically engineered food. About a third of the audience would vote pro, another third contra engineered food. The rest would not vote at all. </strong></p>
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Revision as of 12:46, 28 September 2013

The beast and its Achilles heel:

 A novel target to fight multi-resistant pathogenic bacteria