Team:Wellesley Desyne/zMol zTree


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu est ullamcorper, laoreet felis vel, interdum lacus. Phasellus imperdiet commodo purus non luctus. Phasellus non sem sapien. Etiam vel metus vitae urna commodo pellentesque. Nunc aliquam augue sed ante ornare, et tincidunt ante ultrices. Phasellus ut massa quis diam facilisis tincidunt in ut nulla. Pellentesque quis rhoncus est. Praesent adipiscing et felis et scelerisque. Nam posuere urna quis dolor tristique lacinia. Sed suscipit posuere nulla vitae accumsan. Nulla eget leo eget lorem pulvinar dignissim. Duis non dolor sollicitudin, mattis tellus ut, imperdiet dolor. Cras suscipit orci in nunc feugiat varius. Pellentesque tristique pretium ligula in laoreet. Praesent tempus, metus et pellentesque interdum, lacus mi aliquet eros, ullamcorper vestibulum urna lectus et lorem. Nullam eu massa vel est porttitor egestas non at enim.  
zMol is a 3D molecule builder designed for the zSpace, a holographic computing machine. The project was started by a team of Olin students and carried on for 6 weeks over the course of the summer by Wellesley’s HCI lab. Students began the summer with the goal of adding new features, such as a unique representation of the periodic table of elements, and improved bonding in the molecule builder, in order to make a fun and engaging learning tool for chemistry students.  
This summer students started zTree in an attempt to represent hierarchical data in an intuitive and interactive way. One way in which this tree-like structure is useful is as an alternative to the web version of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. The goal of the project was to make the data easier to navigate than the web page and to make the program modular so it can be used for a wider variety of data sets.  
Integer risus eros, ornare vitae nulla non, viverra vestibulum felis. Vivamus a volutpat augue. Curabitur aliquam, ipsum a tincidunt venenatis, purus neque gravida justo, non congue metus est vel eros. Morbi blandit nisl eget enim cursus, nec placerat arcu sodales. Etiam ac nisi sapien. Aenean vel purus nulla. Curabitur dapibus massa non felis condimentum, sed tristique dolor facilisis. Donec placerat, turpis ac tincidunt blandit, diam magna ultrices risus, faucibus blandit orci arcu quis eros. Ut porta facilisis risus, sed tincidunt metus elementum ac. Cras convallis diam quis fermentum suscipit. Etiam pharetra, lorem eu pharetra gravida, tellus augue feugiat elit, id mattis neque lorem non enim. Duis malesuada tincidunt egestas.  
We successfully allowed for double and ring bonding in zMol, and created a 3D representation of the periodic table through which it is possible to navigate, search, and zoom through elements. We also modified the atomic skins to include elemental labels. We imported data about each element so when you hover over it, more properties are displayed.
zTree is nearly fully functional when displaying the standard registry of parts - unfortunately, the site was modified towards the end of our work on zTree, so a future team will need to adjust the HTML parsing sections of our code. But, the data sheets display properly, and navigation between levels works properly. Users can export the parts they have selected to a plain text file which can be imported into other programs, such as Eugenie, for further use. The program also features an action log for user testing. A search feature in the upper right hand corner of the screen allows a user to search for a particular part they might be looking for and have its data sheet displayed.  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<h1>Future Work</h1>
<h1>Future Work</h1>
<p> Most features desired for zTree were completely over the course of the summer. As the registry changed, the data sheet code needs to be updated. In the future we need to make the data sheets compliant with the registry API so that the program works with any future changes. Another iGEM team seems to be working on search function which we would like to integrate into the program. Some research has gone into which type of backgrounds for the zSpace eliminate ghosting so the team would also like to try to use one of those backgrounds to improve the visualization of their program. Using the pen to navigate and spin the carousels would be a good feature for the future as well. </p>
    <li>Etiam bibendum lorem ut eros eleifend, vehicula ultricies dolor fringilla.</li>
    <li>Nunc elementum nisi sit amet nunc varius mattis.</li>
    <li>Nullam sed tellus ornare, scelerisque est sed, adipiscing ligula.</li>
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Revision as of 14:29, 7 September 2013

Wellesley HCI iGEM Team: Welcome



zMol is a 3D molecule builder designed for the zSpace, a holographic computing machine. The project was started by a team of Olin students and carried on for 6 weeks over the course of the summer by Wellesley’s HCI lab. Students began the summer with the goal of adding new features, such as a unique representation of the periodic table of elements, and improved bonding in the molecule builder, in order to make a fun and engaging learning tool for chemistry students.
This summer students started zTree in an attempt to represent hierarchical data in an intuitive and interactive way. One way in which this tree-like structure is useful is as an alternative to the web version of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. The goal of the project was to make the data easier to navigate than the web page and to make the program modular so it can be used for a wider variety of data sets.


We successfully allowed for double and ring bonding in zMol, and created a 3D representation of the periodic table through which it is possible to navigate, search, and zoom through elements. We also modified the atomic skins to include elemental labels. We imported data about each element so when you hover over it, more properties are displayed.
zTree is nearly fully functional when displaying the standard registry of parts - unfortunately, the site was modified towards the end of our work on zTree, so a future team will need to adjust the HTML parsing sections of our code. But, the data sheets display properly, and navigation between levels works properly. Users can export the parts they have selected to a plain text file which can be imported into other programs, such as Eugenie, for further use. The program also features an action log for user testing. A search feature in the upper right hand corner of the screen allows a user to search for a particular part they might be looking for and have its data sheet displayed.


Future Work

Most features desired for zTree were completely over the course of the summer. As the registry changed, the data sheet code needs to be updated. In the future we need to make the data sheets compliant with the registry API so that the program works with any future changes. Another iGEM team seems to be working on search function which we would like to integrate into the program. Some research has gone into which type of backgrounds for the zSpace eliminate ghosting so the team would also like to try to use one of those backgrounds to improve the visualization of their program. Using the pen to navigate and spin the carousels would be a good feature for the future as well.

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