Team:Wellesley Desyne/BAC


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu est ullamcorper, laoreet felis vel, interdum lacus. Phasellus imperdiet commodo purus non luctus. Phasellus non sem sapien. Etiam vel metus vitae urna commodo pellentesque. Nunc aliquam augue sed ante ornare, et tincidunt ante ultrices. Phasellus ut massa quis diam facilisis tincidunt in ut nulla. Pellentesque quis rhoncus est. Praesent adipiscing et felis et scelerisque. Nam posuere urna quis dolor tristique lacinia. Sed suscipit posuere nulla vitae accumsan. Nulla eget leo eget lorem pulvinar dignissim. Duis non dolor sollicitudin, mattis tellus ut, imperdiet dolor. Cras suscipit orci in nunc feugiat varius. Pellentesque tristique pretium ligula in laoreet. Praesent tempus, metus et pellentesque interdum, lacus mi aliquet eros, ullamcorper vestibulum urna lectus et lorem. Nullam eu massa vel est porttitor egestas non at enim.  
Bac to the Future is an art installation and web application that aims to communicate core concepts of synthetic biology to non-scientists by engaging users in a fun and interactive environment. Specifically, our team focused on how an interactive and user-friendly application could demonstrate the significance of DNA as a powerful encoding language, as well as the potential for bacteria to be used as archival data storage. At the Wellesley College Human-Computer Interactions lab, we are interested in exploring how next-generation technology could facilitate the learning of complex scientific concepts and promote educational outreach. With this goal in mind, we chose to deploy both a web application for wider distribution and greater accessibility, as well as an interactive art installation for exhibition purposes. Our project was inspired by an experiment conducted by the Church Lab at Harvard Medical School, which used bacteria DNA to store encoded book citations. In designing the user experience, we integrated relevant and familiar components such as dictionaries, and simplified the experimental protocol to promote intuitive understanding. In addition, we incorporated user feedback to assist in the conveyance of fundamental concepts while minimizing confusion. In the future, we plan to continue improving the user experience through further user testing, and hope to distribute the web application as an educational tool.
<p>The interface is divided into a workspace where the protocol is executed and a virtual tank containing bacteria with various messages encoded into their DNA. There is also a panel on the left containing a Twitter feed of messages that have been tweeted to the future, and a panel on the right containing the lab protocol for the user to follow.<br><br>
Users interact with the application by executing the following protocol: </p>
<li>Pick a message from the queue to encode by clicking on it, or users can search for their own message to encode by clicking on the "Pick up your message" button.</li>
<li>Initiate the translation process by clicking on the "Encode" button and watch as the chosen message is synthesized into DNA, using the Codon Dictionary.</li>
<li>Begin the lab protocol by inserting the encoded DNA into the plasmid.</li>
<li>Pick an E-Coli from the tank and drag it onto the workspace to act as a means of storage.</li>
<li>Insert the plasmid containing the encoded DNA into the chosen bacteria, and return it back to the tank.</li>
<li>Throughout the process, users can click on the various bacteria to see the database of encoded messages contained within each bacteria displayed in the ticker, including the users’ own message.</li>
Integer risus eros, ornare vitae nulla non, viverra vestibulum felis. Vivamus a volutpat augue. Curabitur aliquam, ipsum a tincidunt venenatis, purus neque gravida justo, non congue metus est vel eros. Morbi blandit nisl eget enim cursus, nec placerat arcu sodales. Etiam ac nisi sapien. Aenean vel purus nulla. Curabitur dapibus massa non felis condimentum, sed tristique dolor facilisis. Donec placerat, turpis ac tincidunt blandit, diam magna ultrices risus, faucibus blandit orci arcu quis eros. Ut porta facilisis risus, sed tincidunt metus elementum ac. Cras convallis diam quis fermentum suscipit. Etiam pharetra, lorem eu pharetra gravida, tellus augue feugiat elit, id mattis neque lorem non enim. Duis malesuada tincidunt egestas.  
To test Bac to the Future, our team conducted preliminary user studies involving the observation of 15 high school students in the Upward Bound program, students who had some exposure to science but were mostly unfamiliar with synthetic biology. In our study, the students were given a brief, 10-minute presentation of synthetic biology, followed by a demo of Bac to the Future. Afterwards, the students were given a chance to interact freely with our application. We observed that in general, the students picked up the application quickly and found the overall experience to be engaging, interactive, and fun. In addition, the students felt more comfortable with their knowledge of synthetic biology after the study.
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<h1>Future Work</h1>
<h1>Future Work</h1>
     <li>Etiam bibendum lorem ut eros eleifend, vehicula ultricies dolor fringilla.</li>
     <li>Implement an interactive installation, integrating use of gesture-recognition and tangible interface</li>
     <li>Nunc elementum nisi sit amet nunc varius mattis.</li>
     <li>Distribute the web application and explore potential educational uses</li>
     <li>Nullam sed tellus ornare, scelerisque est sed, adipiscing ligula.</li>
     <li>Continue to study the effectiveness of the application in facilitating the learning experience</li>

Revision as of 14:35, 7 September 2013

Wellesley HCI iGEM Team: Welcome

Bac to the Future


Bac to the Future is an art installation and web application that aims to communicate core concepts of synthetic biology to non-scientists by engaging users in a fun and interactive environment. Specifically, our team focused on how an interactive and user-friendly application could demonstrate the significance of DNA as a powerful encoding language, as well as the potential for bacteria to be used as archival data storage. At the Wellesley College Human-Computer Interactions lab, we are interested in exploring how next-generation technology could facilitate the learning of complex scientific concepts and promote educational outreach. With this goal in mind, we chose to deploy both a web application for wider distribution and greater accessibility, as well as an interactive art installation for exhibition purposes. Our project was inspired by an experiment conducted by the Church Lab at Harvard Medical School, which used bacteria DNA to store encoded book citations. In designing the user experience, we integrated relevant and familiar components such as dictionaries, and simplified the experimental protocol to promote intuitive understanding. In addition, we incorporated user feedback to assist in the conveyance of fundamental concepts while minimizing confusion. In the future, we plan to continue improving the user experience through further user testing, and hope to distribute the web application as an educational tool.


The interface is divided into a workspace where the protocol is executed and a virtual tank containing bacteria with various messages encoded into their DNA. There is also a panel on the left containing a Twitter feed of messages that have been tweeted to the future, and a panel on the right containing the lab protocol for the user to follow.

Users interact with the application by executing the following protocol:

  1. Pick a message from the queue to encode by clicking on it, or users can search for their own message to encode by clicking on the "Pick up your message" button.
  2. Initiate the translation process by clicking on the "Encode" button and watch as the chosen message is synthesized into DNA, using the Codon Dictionary.
  3. Begin the lab protocol by inserting the encoded DNA into the plasmid.
  4. Pick an E-Coli from the tank and drag it onto the workspace to act as a means of storage.
  5. Insert the plasmid containing the encoded DNA into the chosen bacteria, and return it back to the tank.
  6. Throughout the process, users can click on the various bacteria to see the database of encoded messages contained within each bacteria displayed in the ticker, including the users’ own message.


To test Bac to the Future, our team conducted preliminary user studies involving the observation of 15 high school students in the Upward Bound program, students who had some exposure to science but were mostly unfamiliar with synthetic biology. In our study, the students were given a brief, 10-minute presentation of synthetic biology, followed by a demo of Bac to the Future. Afterwards, the students were given a chance to interact freely with our application. We observed that in general, the students picked up the application quickly and found the overall experience to be engaging, interactive, and fun. In addition, the students felt more comfortable with their knowledge of synthetic biology after the study.


Future Work

  • Implement an interactive installation, integrating use of gesture-recognition and tangible interface
  • Distribute the web application and explore potential educational uses
  • Continue to study the effectiveness of the application in facilitating the learning experience

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