Team:Calgary Entrepreneurial/Project/Model


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<li><a href="">Technology</a></li>
<li><a href="">Technology</a></li>
<li><a href="">Intellectual Property</a></li>
<li><a href="">Intellectual Property</a></li>
<li><a href="">Operations</a></li>
<li><a href="">Operations</a></li>
<li><a href="">Marketing</a></li>
<li><a href="">Marketing</a></li>
<li><a href="">Management</a></li>
<li><a href="">Management</a></li>
<li><a href="">Milestones</a></li>
<li><a href="">Milestones</a></li>

Revision as of 00:48, 27 October 2013

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Ensuring that we achieve critical thresholds in a timely manner it is vital to the success of FREDsense Technologies. To this end, we have strategically planned forward to both utilize our resources in the most effective way and to meet the needs of our market. Here we outline how FREDsense Technologies will grow over the next 5 years.

Our Plan

Developing a clear direction for our strategic direction is critical. To this end, we have constructed a plan for utilizing our efforts in the most focused and best utilized way to meet the needs of our market. This specifically encompasses three key developments of our technology, legal frameworks, and financial implications. Here we outline how FREDsense Technologies will grow over the next 1, 3, and 5 year intervals.

Year One

Within the first year of our operations we foresee the following major achievements. The continued development of our technology through characterization of the different genetic, chemical and cellular systems will be paramount. Further, these discoveries will be protected by strategically filing patents and maintaining trade secrets of our technology.

We will also begin the process of obtaining regulatory approvals required for the sale and use our final system in Canada and the United States primarily through CEPA. Additionally, to enable steady growth for our technologies market, we will be engaging with key industry players in Alberta’s oil sands production and monitoring market. Finally, we will be actively engaged in raising capital to continue all stages of development from accelerators, corporate partners, grants, and private investment.

Year Three

By year three we see our oil sands monitoring technology expanding from the prototype stage to a fully functional product. This will involve considerable engineering and product design to meet industry needs and to ensure reliable and robust detection in varying environments and climates. To this end we will begin the transition from prototype development to meeting the challenges of mass-manufacturing of the technology involving the assessment of manufacturing partners, development of our production facilities, and distribution components. In tandem, we will begin initial development of sensing elements to detect other compounds in markets outside oil sands monitoring.

Within this time period we see our initial product having moved through the necessary regulatory hurdles in both Canadian and American markets. These regulatory approvals will help act as both a competitive advantage and to hasten the development of second and third generation monitoring solutions. At the same time we see our first demonstrations of our system in an oil sands monitoring setting which will be closely followed by our first sale to key industry players who we began engaging with in year one. Finally, to continue enabling this rapid development we will have accelerated our strategy of raising capital to include engaging with angel investors, customers, and government grants.

Year Five

Moving into years four and five, we will have seen our first sensing system move into a mass-produced product following our first demonstration and sale. Our goal will be to begin capturing a growing share of the sensing market in the oil sands monitoring market over these two years (moving toward our goal of 30% market share). With the first product entering the market we will pivot to diversifying the sensing ability of our technology. This will involve accelerating the development of new sensing elements begun in year three.

By diversifying our technologies applicable markets with new sensing elements we aim to begin entering markets outside the oil sands industry. In deriving these new sensing elements we will apply a similar framework of patenting, trade secrets and legal agreements to protect our intellectual property. To meet our growing capital needs and our goals for growth into new markets we will leverage next stage of capital investments from venture capitalists and revenue from our initial sales.