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Over the past years, Heidelberg successfully participated in the iGEM competition. Also in 2013, the team is supervised by Prof. Dr. Roland Eils and Dr. Barbara DiVentura from the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg, the BioQuant as well as the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg.

Barbara DiVentura

Computer engineer by university training (carried out in the University of Rome “La Sapienza”), Barbara has done her Ph.D. in molecular biology in the laboratory of Luis Serrano, at the EMBL. Her Ph.D. project consisted in constructing a synthetic human p53 network in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. She was post-doc in the laboratory of Victor Sourjik, at the ZMBH. During this time she investigated the self-organizing properties of the Min system, the protein machinery that in Escherichia coli defines mid-cell. Starting from November 2011, Barbara heads the Synthetic Biology group in the department of Roland Eils, at the BioQuant. Barbara believes in the power of synthetic biology to create new functional devises and to teach important lessons about real biological systems. She also thinks that combining theory and experiments is the best strategy to understand the molecular mechanisms driving biological processes. Barbara finds the iGEM competition truly exciting and she is very happy to mentor the young, motivated and enthusiastic students of the Heidelberg iGEM 2013 team!
E-Mail: barbara[dot]div[at]enturabioquant[dot]uni-heidelberg[dot]de

Roland Eils