Team:Wellesley Desyne/Notebook/TiffanyNotebook


Revision as of 18:10, 24 June 2013 by Tiff.w.chen (Talk | contribs)

Wellesley Desyne iGEM Team: Tiffany Chen


Week 1: May 28 - May 31

Tuesday: First day of the iGem summer program in the HCI lab at Wellesley College! I've worked through the majority of the assigned readings. I was assigned to work on the Eugene DeSyne team along with Catherine, Evan, and Sravanti.

Thursday: The team went to MIT for a BioBuilder workshop with Natalie Kuldell, but as a graduating senior, I had previous obligations and did not attend. According to the rest of the team, it was an interesting day.

Friday: Graduation Day! I received my BA in Biological Sciences.


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To be Continued