Team:Imperial College/Protocols


Revision as of 09:09, 17 September 2013 by Rkelwick (Talk | contribs)



I Think we should put all this with the correct modules, makes it more compact and paper like.

Waste Conditioned Media (WCM)

We added 1g [ SRF] (Solid Recovered Fuel) /50 mL LB and then autoclaved the mixture. Once autoclaved, large waste chunks were removed through filter sterilisation (0.2uM filters) before being used in growth assays as waste conditioned media (WCM).

Protocols and Assays



We used Pfu Ultra polymerase for all reactions where we use the DNA for anything afterwards. Download the exact manual from here

We used MyTaq polymerase for colony PCR and checking plasmids. You can download the manual [ here].

Our super Thermal Cycler was provided by our generous sponsor, Eppendorf.

Running gels

We used SybrSafe to stain the DNA and imaged in a Transilluminator. We cut out bands under a bluebox.


We did minipreps from 4mL overnight cultures in LB, supplemented with antibiotics.




We used [ Quiagen Miniprep kit].

We got a sweet tabletop centrifuge from dear Eppendorf company which served us really well.

Digests and Ligations

For restriction digests, we used NEB enzymes and used the companys protocols accordingly. For ligations, we used T4 ligase. We treated backbones with alkaline phosphatase before ligations and we have used Dpn1 treatment sometimes to degrade the original plasmid.


We used VF2, VR, G1004 and G1005 primers in order to verify the sequence of most of the biobrick parts. We also designed internal sequencing primers to verify the reads in long parts, such as phaCAB.

[ VF2 (BBa_G00100)] tgccacctgacgtctaagaa Tm=62 [ VR (BBa_G00101)] attaccgcctttgagtgagc Tm=60

[ BBa_G1004] (=prefix) gtttcttcgaattcgcggccgcttctag Tm=63 [ BBa_G1005] (=revcompl sufix) gtttcttcctgcagcggccgctactagta Tm=64


We transformed our plasmids finally into MG1655.

For ligations we used mainly NEB10 and some TOP10 and NEB5 cells for high efficiency.

Waste Growth Assay

O/N cultures of MG1655 transformed with (BBa_K639003) were diluted to OD 0.05 in either fresh LB or waste conditioned media and plated into 96 well plates (200ul/well). OD600 was read at the indicated time points and media only (LB) was taken away as background signal.

Serial Dilutions <b>
We did serial dilutions according to [ Serial Dilution]</br>

<b>Preparation of Poly DEGA plates.

In addition to LB, place 0.5% poly DEGA in 20 mM Tris-HCl at pH 8.0 into the solution. In a 300 mL solution this translates to 1.5 mL poly DEGA. As poly DEGA is very viscous, before addition, ensure LB agar is kept at 70°C. We then used a magnetic stirrer to ensure that the poly DEGA was thoroughly mixed.

Our Sponsors

TueSponsorsEppendorf.png 125px Invitrogen.jpg Geneart.jpg CSynBI.JPG