Team:NJU China/Human Practice


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Synthetic biology free debate Reach the unreached Synthetic biology workshop Collaboration Results and conclusions

Synthetic biology free debate

Ethical issue has always been a concern in the field of biological research. Especially for synthetic biology, we are modifying life from nature through this. Although synthetic biology brings many benefits to our lives, as far as some people concerned, we are not god and we don’t have the rights to modify natural organisms. Apart from ethical issues, safety is another problem that the public is worrying about.

To clarify these issues and get synthetic biology known to general public, we organized a free debate concerning whether synthetic biology can really benefit our lives and whether we should keep developing this. We invited 20 young students from Jingling High School and we gave them some background about synthetic biology first. Then we divided them into 2 groups, one group supports the idea that synthetic biology does benefit our lives and we should develop this while another group is against this. In the first 2 minutes, one student from each group proposed the standpoint on behalf of the whole group. In the next 40 minutes, each group had 20 minutes to defend their own standpoint.

The debate was fierce and the students were actively involved in, putting forward many wonderful arguments. For example, the positive side said that synthetic biology is just like nuclear energy, though its misuse will cause damage, if we use it in a controllable way, we can definitely benefit from it just like we can use nuclear energy to generate electricity. Those against synthetic biology didn’t resign easily, saying that we are not god and we shouldn’t interfere with nature by genetically engineer the organisms. Moreover, some people might use the techniques developed by synthetic biology to create biological weapons such as super virus, which might pose danger to our lives. Through the 40 minutes’ debate, both sides realized some facts that they ignored before and had a new understanding about synthetic biology. To some extent, they reached a consensus that we should develop synthetic biology, but it should under intensive supervision of the government to avoid misuse.

By means of free debate, the students are not passively receiving the idea that synthetic biology is all good and beneficial. They are actively thinking themselves and come to a conclusion by their own. We believe that free debate is a good option for human practice and worth popularizing. Via free debate, the public can not only know that synthetic biology is beneficial, but also will they understand that why it is good and how should we use it.

Reach the unreached

Ever since 2005, iGEM has attracted more and more young people worldwide to get involved in every year and has engaged an increasing number of teams in the iGEM. China, as well as other parts of the world, has been playing an active role in the progress of iGEM. Over the past few years, the number of Chinese teams starts from a few to more than 50. However, there are still vast areas in China which iGEM hasn’t reached yet. Since Human practice is about to promote the influence of iGEM and synthetic biology, this year, it is the very first time to go thoroughly into the south-western China to reach the previously unreached groups of university students.

To promote iGEM in a new area, we started from one of the best universities in South-western China, Yun Nan University. On 16th June, our instructor and half of all our team members flied to Yun Nan University in Kun Ming, south-western China. Hundreds of YNU’s students were engaged in our seminar about iGEM and synthetic biology. At the beginning of the seminar, Our instructor Prof. Chen introduced synthetic biology. Following that, our team member Sun Yiyang talked about iGEM and its ever-growing influence among the young students. They were actively involved in the seminar and put forward many questions concerning both synthetic biology and iGEM. For better promotion of iGEM, we also gave them souvenirs about iGEM. Some of these students have known about synthetic biology before, but for most of them, it is the very first time that they hear about iGEM. They had great interest in both synthetic biology and iGEM and expressed their strong wish to participate in this competition next year.

We believe that ever since this, south-western China will also get actively involved in iGEM and play an important part later.

Synthetic biology workshop

Young people are the future of the synthetic biology. To get more students motivated in this field, we organized a synthetic biology workshop for 20 students from Jingling High School.

It began at 9: 00 in the morning and our instructor, Prof. Chen Xi, gave a lecture about synthetic biology at the beginning of the workshop. He introduced those students with the idea about iGEM, and showed them how synthetic biology worked by using several interesting examples. He also encouraged them to participate in it themselves. At the end of his lecture, there was a Q&A part between him and the high school students and that was quite impressive. Though those students didn’t have much background about biology, they were quite innovative and put forward many novel ideas. For example, they were even thinking that maybe we can make crops movable to escape hazards by genetic modification. Through the lecture about synthetic biology, they are embraced by a whole new world.

Apart from learning in the classroom, we hope that the students can be more motivated by doing some lab work themselves. Synthetic biology is about genetic manipulation, so we decided to teach them some basic molecular biology experiments. The first step the students were taught was to extract DNA from Arabidopsis. It was the first time these high school students saw what DNA is like and they were very excited to get the DNA out from the organism. The next step was to PCR amplify two genes in the genome of Arabidopsis. After PCR amplification, the students were taught to load their PCR product into the agarose gel and ran it to see if they had done the second step successfully. When they saw the desired band appear in the gel, they were thrilled. From the lab work, they knew how to conduct basic biological experiment and had more concrete ideas about what synthetic biology was.

After the lecture and conducting experiments themselves, those high school students showed great interest in synthetic biology and strong desire to participate in the iGEM themselves.


Synthetic biology provides us a novel way to maximally engineer and redesign natural biological systems thus increase the wellbeing of us humankind. iGEM,at the same time, is a great promotion of synthetic biology for it enables students worldwide to share their ideas together. It also offers a platform for us to enjoy the intellectual pleasure of synthetic biology and inspire us to think, as well as to design our systems. To better understand synthetic biology and exchange our ideas with other brilliant iGEMers, our team, NJU-China, established collaboration with several other iGEM teams, including USTC, ZJU, and XMU.

Meet-up with USTC, ZJU, XMU
As tyros in iGEM, we turn to other teams for experience of synthetic biology and iGEM.
17th May, two of us, Gong Fei and Wen Mingxi, went to USTC. We meet USTC iGEMers in their lab and the captain of USTC, Zhang Sitao, generously shared their experience of iGEM with us. Later we talked about our projects for 2013 iGEM.

24th May, Gong Fei and Wei Xiuqing, Niu Yuchen, Dai Yimei went to visit ZJU iGEM team. We both presented our projects to each other. They were designing a detective system by using aptamer which our team member Gong Fei has experience in, so we exchanged some ideas and they also provide us with some advice on our project.

24th June, Gong Fei, Xiong Aoli, Chen Xi and Niu Yuchen from our team, met up with XMU iGEM team members in Xia Men University. After a brief introduction of the member composition of our teams, we both gave a presentation of our 2013 project. Their advisor Wu Xin has participated in the iGEM twice and he has a lot of experience, providing us plenty of valuable advice. We also talked about how to better promote iGEM and synthetic biology in our home universities.

Results and Conclusions

A.Exosome concentration change over time within each compartment

Figure.2 Exosome concentration change along the time in different compartments.

As we can see from the figure.2, the concentration of exosomes in the blood falls down along the time while the concentration of exosomes in the peripheral compartment goes up first then falls down. Comparing the concentration change of exosomes over time in the liver(our target organ) with other tissues, we can easily see that the peak concentration of exosomes in liver is much higher than that of non-target tissues. Thus we can assure that the after add the liver targeting protein to the exosome (the percentage of exosomes get into the liver increases), the concentration of exosomes in the liver greatly outnumber that in other tissues.

B.The relationship between the exosome concentration change over time and absorption percentage in liver.

Figure.3 exosome concentration change over time with different absorption percentage in liver

The difference of exosome distribution between liver and other tissues lie in that the absorption percentage of exosomes in liver is much higher than that in other tissues. After plot concentration change over time and absorption percentage in 3D(Figure.3),we can see that as the absorption percentage increases, the peak of drug concentration also goes up. To achieve higher concentration in liver, we can make outside modification to exosomes to direct more exosomes into the liver.

C.The relationship between the exosome concentration change over time and drug half-life.

Figure.4 exosome concentration change over time with different exosome halflife in liver

Encapsulate the siRNA into exosomes can great increase the half-life of the siRNA, and via outside modification we can change the half-life of the exosome. As we can see from Figure.4 , after the drug half-life increases, the concentration falls more slowly so that the drug can function more time in the target tissue.

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2. Dams ETM, Laverman P, Oyen W JG, et al. Accelerated blood clearance and altered biodistribution of repeated injections of sterically stabilized liposomes[J]. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2000, 292(3): 1071-1079.

3. Gao S, Dagnaes-Hansen F, Nielsen EJB, et al. The effect of chemical modification and nanoparticle formulation on stability and biodistribution of siRNA in mice[J]. Molecular Therapy, 2009, 17(7): 1225-1233.

4. Morrissey DV, Lockridge JA, Shaw L, et al. Potent and persistent in vivo anti-HBV activity of chemically modified siRNAs[J]. Nature biotechnology, 2005, 23(8): 1002-1007.