Team:Tokyo Tech/Submitted Parts


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Parts submitted to the Registry

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Favorite Tokyo_Tech 2013 iGEM Team Parts

Name Type Description Designer Length
W[ BBa_K1139021]CompositePlux-M13-Plac-GFPNaoki Watarai7705
W[ BBa_K1139110]CompositePcon-LasR-Plux/tet-GFPNaoki Watarai1888
W[ BBa_K1139201]MeasurementPphoA-GFP-TTSara Ogino1017

Tokyo_Tech 2013 iGEM Team Parts

Name Type Description Designer Length
[ BBa_K1139019]CompositePromoterless-M13Naoki Watarai6400
W[ BBa_K1139020]CompositePlacIQ-M13-Plac-GFPNaoki Watarai7406
[ BBa_K1139150]MeasurementPRM/lac-GFP-TTNaoki Watarai1032

Best new BioBrick part (natural): [ BBa_K1139021]

M13 is a filamentous phage that infects only F+ strains of E. coli, which does not kill the host cell. This biobrick is extracted from M13mp18 phage vector by PCR. It inclueds 11 ORFs, M13 origin, a packaging sequence and lac promoter. The promoter on the upstream of g2 (gene 2) is altered to lux promoter. A phage particle is formed only when the host cell receives AHL signal (3OC6HSL, C6) because g2p (gene 2 protein) is an endonuclease needed for a plasmid to be replicated by M13 origin, and to be packaged into the phage particle. As a reporter, GFP is inserted on the downstream of the lac promoter.

Best new BioBrick part (engineered): [ BBa_K1139110]

We constructed [ BBa_K1139110] by combining Pcon-lasR ([ BBa_K553003]) and Plux/tet-GFP ([ BBa_K934025]). This is the first Biobrick part that succeeded in confirming to circumvention of crosstalk. Using this part with plasmid constitutively expression of luxR and tetR, we succeeded in confirming circumvention of crosstalk between AHL signals 3OC6HSL and 3OC12HSL.

Best improved Part: [ BBa_K1139201]

We improved a phosphate sensor part since the existing phosphate sensor part (OUC-China 2012, [ BBa_K737024]) did not have sufficient data. We constructed this part by amplifying the phoA promoter region of E. coli (MG1655) and ligating it upstream of GFP part. Compared to OUC-China’s phosphate sensor part including phoB promoter (Fig. 2), our phosphate sensor part shows clearer result (Fig. 1).