

Revision as of 21:14, 4 October 2013 by Zerbst (Talk | contribs)

Team: iGEM Frankfurt -



Unfortunately making arrangements for the lab this year and applying for funding consumed more time than expected resulting in less time for the actual project.

July 2013

1. Arrangements for labwork such as preparing material

  • see protocols for the production of competent (E.coli, S.cerevisiae) and corresponding media (LB, YEPD, SCD-ura,…)

2. Purchase/Organization of the equipment (reaction tubes, glass bottles, pipette tips,..)

August 2013

Recapitulation of the work done in 2012 : restriction digest of plasmids to make sure we can use them: 1. Digests with enzymes: BsaAI, EcoRI-HF, XbaI

  • 1 µl DNA (~500nm)
  • 0.5 µl BsaAI (5 units / µl -> one unit cuts once within one hour)
  • 1 µl Buffer 4 (10x)
  • 7,5 µl ddH2O

Expectation: 4 Bands with 2246, 3196, 2344, 3624 bp

September 2013

iGEM-Team Frankfurt 2013