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AutoAnnotator by Team TU-Munich 2013

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Counting Array will appear here!


Automatically determined parameters using the [ BioBrick-AutoAnnotator]
BioBrick: BBa_K1159000 Used open reading frame from position ?x? to ?y?.
A (Ala) 10 (4.00%) R (Arg) 8 (3.20%) N (Asn) 13 (5.20%) D (Asp) 18 (7.20%) C (Cys) 2 (0.80%) Q (Gln) 8 (3.20%) E (Glu) 16 (6.40%) G (Gly) 25 (10.00%) H (His) 10 (4.00%)
K (Lys): 20 (8.00%) M (Met) 6 (2.40%) F (Phe) 13 (5.20%) P (Pro) 11 (4.40%) S (Ser) 9 (3.60%) T (Thr) 16 (6.40%) W (Trp) 1 (0.40%) Y (Tyr) 12 (4.80%) V (Val) 17 (6.80%)
Amino acid counting: Total number of amino acids (aa): 250 Number of positively charged aa: ?9? Number of negatively charged aa: ?9?
Biochemical parameters: Molecular weight [Da]: 24190.279999999995 Theoretical pI: ?4? Extinction coefficient: ?4?
Estimated half-life: Mammals: ?4 h? Yeast: ?4? E. coli: ?4?
Codon usage: Mammals: ?good? Yeast: ?Ok? E. coli: ?bad ?
RFC standard: This is a RFC 25 BioBrick, thus ATGGCCGGC and ACCGGT were added to the 5' and 3' ends.
The BioBrick-AutoAnnotator was created by TU-Munich 2013 iGEM team. For information please read the description.