Team:UC Davis/Outreach


Revision as of 02:47, 29 October 2013 by DHwang (Talk | contribs)

NorCal iGEM Meetup

Over the summer, UC Davis organized an iGEM meetup with UCSF, UC Berkeley, and the Stanford-Brown teams. We started off the day giving a brief talk on each of our projects. After each talk, we had a chance to ask more questions about their project and offer possible constructive criticism. From this, we all received a different perspective on some of the tough problems we were trying to solve with our projects. After the meetup, we all had lunch and got to talk even more about synthetic biology among other things. To change things up, we also went bowling.

Other Efforts in Human Outreach

  • Provided DNA extractions for E.coli expressing RFP for the biotechnology class at Davis Senior High School.
  • Worked with classmate Nicholas Armstrong to create a Synthetic Biology Club at UC Davis
    • Grew to over 20 members after the first meeting.
    • We promoted the club on campus during the Activities Fair.
    • We began writing a lab proposal and a Club Finance Counsel grant for the club.
    • Team members Alex Neckelmann and Aura Ferreiro took the roles of Activities Chair and Secretary, respectively.
    • Check out the club's Facebook page for more information by searching "Synthetic Biology Club at UC Davis.