An eccentric and creepy guy that doesn't miss the chance to show his fantastic body. A wannabe tango dancer with the passion for the worst “tunz tunz” music.
The Macgyver of biology, he built the Ripenator with only an hairpin and some chewing gum.
Favourite fruit:
Epic fail:
He used 5ul of Phusion for each PCR (the most expensive protocol ever...)
Fabio Digiacomo
The american guy nostalgic of the 90's stars like Britney Spears. He loves the life in the lab and he has a passion for the rack in which his fingers get stuck more times.
He could sell a comb to Vin Diesel! Our Vending Machine and designer, with a Master in Paint Programmation!
Favourite fruit:
Epic fail:
He put the trasformed cells at 0°C instead of 37°C
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