Team:UNITN-Trento/Project/Vending Machine


Revision as of 16:34, 13 September 2013 by Ggirelli (Talk | contribs)

B. fruity Vending MachineThe ultimate application of the B. fruity system

Why? Nowadays people are reconsidering their lifestyle and trying to follow a healthy diet:

“fruit and vegetables rather than junk food to stay healthier, that’s the vision!!”

Imagine a forthcoming future when people all over the world go for a healthier alimentation, and the common awareness of its benefits will drive the population to demand more fruit. In this not-so-distant future fresh and ripe fruit will be supplied by the B. fruity vending machine, a groundbreaking way to have ripe fruit all the time. The first edition of B. fruity vending machines exploit a ripening molecule (i.e.: ethylene) and an inhibitor (e.g.: methyl salicylate) to keep the fruit at an unripe stage and then boost the ripening only once the fruit has to be displayed for the end-user.

We believe this cutting-edge technology would foster a healthy lifestyle by promoting this recovered healthy alimentation. People would be able to eat fruit wherever they are, whenever they want.

We developed a prototype machine that allows our dispenser to work efficiently.

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