

Revision as of 05:42, 16 September 2013 by TimH (Talk | contribs)

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Week 4: july 22 - 28

  • Introduction given by our lab instructors
    • General techniques: plasmid/PCR purification, inoculation, gel extraction, restriction & ligation.
    • Safety and waste disposal training
    • Introduction to CloneManager
  • General preparations: sterile mQ, sterile eppendorf


Week 1: july 29 - august 4

Week 2: august 5 - 11

  • Experiment 1
    • Inoculate E. coli DH5a + pTGD-ccdA-Pmb1GFP-CmFRT
    • Purify plasmid pTGD-ccdA-Pmb1GFP-CmFRT using Qiagen spin mini kit: Nanodrop -- 362.4 ng/µL
    • Preparative Restriction Digest (RD) of purified plasmid: BspHI & BstAPI: expected fragments of 5541bp and 903 bp
    • Gel purify RD-fragment of 5541 bp using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: Nanodrop -- 70.4 ng/µL
    • PCR on RD (HR-ccdA-Pmb1GFP-HR)and on plasmid pTGD-ccdA-PMbAFGP-CmFRT with MDM588 & MDM589
      ->HiFi PCR using Primestar polymerase. Analytical gel: negative
      ->PCR using Q5 polymerase. Analytical gel: negative
      ->PCR using Roche. Analytical gel: negative
      ->Touchdown PCR using Q5 polymerase. Analytical gel: negative
    • Control plasmid pTGD-ccdA-PMbAFGP-CmFRT: RD with AclI. Expected fragments: 758 bp, 1730 bp and 3956 bp. Analytical gel: negative --> Problem with plasmid pTGD-ccdA-PMbAFGP-CmFRT
    • Transformation: Knock in with lineair back-up DNA by electroporation. Incubation of the transformed cells and transfer the culture on a Cm plate.
    • Colony PCR on 48 colonies using crimson taq polymerase with two primer pairs: MDM0141/MDM0010 and MDM0046/MDM123. Expected fragments: 550bp & 2450 bp. Analytic gel: 4 positives
    • Colony PCR on 4 positive and 4 negative colonies using crimson taq polymerase with out primers: MDM0046/MDM0010. Expected fragment: ca. 5500 bp. Analytic gel: negative .
    • 2 Colony PCR on 4 positive and 4 negative colonies using Taq and Phire polymerase with out primers: MDM0046/MDM0010. Expected fragment: ca. 5500 bp. Analytic gel: negative .
    • Colony PCR on 4 positive and 4 negative colonies using Emerald polymerase with out primers: MDM0046/MDM0010. Expected fragment: ca. 5500 bp. Analytic gel: 1 positive: colonie 35 .

  • Experiment 2
    • Inoculate E. coli DH5a + p5SpFRT-T7ccdB
      Inoculate E. coli DH5a + p10SpFRT-T7ccdB
      Inoculate E. coli DH5a + p20SpFRT-T7ccdB
    • Purify plasmids using Qiagen spin mini kit: nanodrop
      p5SpFRT-T7ccdB: 119,6 ng/µl
      p10SpFRT-T7ccdB: 156,3 ng/µl
      p20SpFRT-T7ccdB: 392,9 ng/µl
    • CcdB operon:
      -> HiFi PCR of plasmids p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10SpFRT-T7ccdB and p20SpFRT-T7ccdB with MDM0586/MDM0587 to amplify ccdB operon
      -> Purification of CcdB operon PCR fragment using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit and checked on analytical gel (expected fragment of 2300 bp): nanodrop
      p5: 174,6 ng/µl
      p10: 24,5 ng/µl (consistent with small band on the analytival gel)
      p20: 104,3 ng/µl
      -> Redo of inoculation E. coli DH5a + p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, E. coli DH5a + p10SpFRT-T7ccdB and E. coli DH5a + p20SpFRT-T7ccdB
      -> Redo of purification of plasmids p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10SpFRT-T7ccdB and p20SpFRT-T7ccdB using Qiagen Spin minikit: nanodrop
      p5SpFRT-T7ccdB: 21,1 ng/µl
      p10SpFRT-T7ccdB: 25,1 ng/µl
      p20SpFRT-T7ccdB: 24,6 ng/µl
    • Vectors pSB4A5 (plate 5, well 5I), pSB3T5 (plate 2, well 8D) and pSB6A1 (plate 2, well 2L):
      -> Resuspend plasmids from the iGEM kit
      -> Transform in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells using elektroporation
      -> Plate pSB4A5 and pSB6A1 on ampicillin plate and pSB3T5 on tetracyclin and grow overnight at 37°C
      -> Plates with transformants: pSB6A1 lots of colonies, pSB3T5 sufficient colonies and pSB4A5 no colonies
    • Vectors pSB4A5 (plate 5, well 5I):
      -> Resuspend plasmids from the iGEM kit
      -> Transform in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells using elektroporation
      -> Plate on ampicillin plate and grow overnight at 37°C (1 plate 150 µl, 1 plate 50 µl)
      -> Plates with transformants: pSB4A5 no colonies
    • Inoculation colonies of pSB3T5 and pSB6A1 -> at the end of the day replaced from 37°C to 30°C
    • Vector pSB4A5 (plate 5, well 1I and plate 2, well 2J as backup) and pSB6A1 (plate 5, well 1K as backup):
      -> Resuspend plasmid pSB4A5 and pSB6A1 from the iGEM kit
      -> Transform in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells (heat shock)
      -> Plate transformation on ampicillin plate and grow overnight at 37°C (3 plates: 10-2,10-1 and 100)
      -> Plates with transformants: pSB4A5 (plate 2, well 2J) colonies, pSB4A5 (plate 5, well 1I) no colonies and pSB6A1 (plate 2, 2L) few colonies
    • Inoculate pSB3T5 and pSB6A1 again and in warm chamber (37°C).
    • Inoculation colonies of pSB4A5 (plate 2, well 2J) and pSB6A1 (plate 2, well 2L) (2 times: one for further work and one for cryovials)
    • Purification of plasmids pSB3T5, pSB6A1 and pSB4A5
    • Generation of restriction digest fragments of T7-ccdB insert (from p5SpFRT-T7ccdB and p20SpFRT-T7ccdB) and vector (pSB3T5 (2x), pSB4A5 (from plate 2, well 2J) and pSB6A1 (1x from plate 5, well 1K and 1x from plate 2, well 2L) with XbaI and PstI-HF (gel purify RD-fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit (expected fragment of 2157 bp for T7-ccdB, 3229 bp for pSB3T5, 3372 bp for pSB4A5 and 3999 bp for pSB6A1): Nanodrop
      p5: 43,7 ng/µl
      p20: 24,2 ng/µl
      3T5 (inoculation 1): 23,5 ng/µl
      3T5 (inoculation 2): 23, ng/µl
      4A5: 40,5 ng/µl
      6A1 (plate 2, 2L): 40,1 ng/µl
      6A1 (plate 5, 1K): 30,4 ng/µl
    • Ligation of T7ccdB from p5SpFRT-T7ccdB and pSB6A1 (1x from plate 5, well 1K and 1x from plate 2, well 2L), p20SpFRT-T7ccdB and pSB3T5, p20SpFRT-T7ccdB and pSB4A5 (from plate 2, well 2J) (3(insert)/1(plasmid) ratio)
    • Transformation in E.coli Top10 (heat shock)
    • Plate transformation on ampicillin (pSB4A5 and pSB6A1) and tetracycline plate (pSB3T5) and grow overnight at 37°C (2 plates: 10-2, 10-1)
      -> Plates with transformants: no colonies
    • New transformation in E.coli Top10 from pSB4A5 and pSB6A1 using heat shock
      -> Plates with transformants: pSB6A1 2 colonies, pSB4A5 few colonies
    • New ligation with RD-fragments created before (vectors pSB3T5, pSB4A5, pSB6A1 (plate 5, well 1K) and insert T7-ccdB created in experiment 6), at 22,5°C o/n)
    • CcdB operon:
      -> HiFi PCR of plasmids p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10SpFRT-T7ccdB and p20SpFRT-T7ccdB with MDM0586 & MDM0587 to amplify ccdB operon

  • Experiment 6
    • CcdB operon:
      -> HiFi PCR of plasmids p20SpFRT-T7ccdB with MDM0586/MDM0587 to amplify ccdB operon
      nanodrop: 301,5 ng/µl
    • Vector pSB1C3 (plate 1, well 23O):
      -> Resuspend plasmids from the iGEM kit
      -> Transform pSB1C3 in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C
      -> Inoculate E. coli Top10 + pSB1C3
      -> Purify plasmids using Qiagen Qiaprep Spin minikit: nanodrop: 200,2 ng/µl
    • Restriction of CcdB operon and pSB1C3 with XbaI and PstI
      -> Gel purify fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: nanodrop:
      Restriction digest of T7-ccdB: 16.9 ng/µl
      Restriction digest of pSB1C3: 12.3 ng/µl
    • Ligation of CcdB operon and pSB1C3
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative

Week 3: august 12 - 18

  • Experiment 1
    • Inoculation positive colonie on cm plate.
    • Colony PCR on 8 kolonies using emerald polymerase with out primers: MDM0046/MDM0010. Expected fragment: ca. 5500 bp. Analytic gel: positive: 5 & 8 .

  • Experiment 2
    • PCR purification of CcdB operon: nanodrop
      p5: 54,8 ng/µl
      p10: 65,8 ng/µl
      p20: 21,1 ng/µl
    • cPCR with Taq polymerase of colonies pSB6A1 (primers: MDM0096 and CLG0019) and pSB4A5 (primers: MDM0095 and CLG0019): negative
    • New transformation with pSB3T5, pSB4A5 and pSB6A1 using heat shock in E.coli DH5a
      -> Plate on normal plates and glucose plates (100 ml 2% glucose, to avoid leaky expressing of ccdB)
      -> Plates with transformants: pSB6A1 some colonies, pSB4A5 some colonies and pSB3T5 no colonies
    • Gel elektroforesis on RD-fragments from plasmids: show expected fragments
    • cPCR on the pSB4A5 (primers: MDM0095 and CLG0019) and pSB6A1 (primers: MDM0096 and CLG0019) colonies with Taq polymerase: one positive colony of pSB6A1-T7ccdB (fragment of 437 bp in lane 14)
    • inoculation of positive pSB6A1-T7ccdB colony from back up plate (3x: one for sequencing, 1 for cryovial and 1 for experiment 3)
    • Plate transformation mixtures again on glucose plates and grow overnight at 30°C
      ->Plates with transformants: pSB4A5 colonies, pSB3T5 no colonies
    • cPCR on pSB4A5 colonies (primers: MDM0095 and CLG0019) with Taq polymerase: negative
    • New ligation with rest of RD-fragments of plasmids pSB3T5 (2 times) and pSB4A5 and CcdB from experiment 6 and transformation in DH5a using heat shock
    • Due to lack of success: start from the beginning.
    • Inoculation of pSB3T5, pSB4A5, p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10SpFRT-T7ccdB and p10SpFRT-T7ccdB from cryovials.
    • Also resuspend pSB3T5 (plate 5, well 7C) from iGEM kit, transform in E. coli DH5a using heat shock, plate on tetracycline plates and incubate overnight at 37°C
      -> no colonies
      -> transform again in DH5a using heat shock
      -> again no colonies
    • Purification of plasmids using Qiagen spin minikit: concentrations deduced from gel
      p5SpFRT-T7ccdB: +/- 40 ng/µl
      p10SpFRT-T7ccdB: +/- 40 ng/µl
      p20SpFRT-T7ccdB: +/- 40 ng/µl
      pSB3T4: +/- 250 ng/µl
      pSB4A5 (1): +/- 400 ng/µl
      pSB4A5 (2): +/- 350 ng/µl
    • PCR on CcdB operon using Q5 polymerase (primers: MDM0586_Fw-Trc-ccdB-G00000 and MDM0587_Rv-Trc-ccdB-G00001)
    • cPCR on pSB3T5 colonies from old plates using Taq polymerase (primers: MDM0602 and CLG0019, expected fragment of 503 bp): negative
    • Restriction of ccdB operon, pSB3T5 and pSB4A5 using PstI-HF and XbaI (gel purify RD-fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit (expected fragment of 2157 bp for T7-ccdB, 3229 bp for pSB3T5 and 3372 bp for pSB4A5): concentrations deduced from gel
    • Ligation of pSB3T5 and T7ccdB (from p5SpFRT-T7ccdB), pSB4A5 and T7ccdB (from p5SpFRT-T7ccdB) and pSB4A5 and T7ccdB (from p20SpFRT-T7ccdB) with T4 DNA ligase at 16°C overnight
    • Transformation of ligation mixtures in DH5a using heat shock
      -> no colonies

  • Experiment 3
    • Inoculation KI-strain 5 & 8 from experiment 1
    • Transformation of pSB6A1 - T7ccdB in KI-strains 1,5 and 8
    • Colony PCR on kolonies from transformed strains using emerald polymerase with out primers to check KI: MDM0046/MDM0010. Expected fragment: ca. 5500 bp. Analytic gel: positive
    • Colony PCR on kolonies from transformed strains using emerald polymerase with MDM0096 & CLG0019 to check if plasmid is present. Expected fragment: 437 bp. Analytic gel: positive
  • Experiment 6
    • New transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative
    • CcdB operon: HiFi PCR of plasmids p20SpFRT-T7ccdB with MDM0586/MDM0587 to amplify CcdB operon
    • New restriction of CcdB operon and pSB1C3 with XbaI and PstI
      -> Gel purify fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: nanodrop:
      Restriction Digest of T7-ccdB: 16.6 ng/µl
      Restriction Digest of pSB1C3: 17.7 ng/µl
    • Ligation of CcdB operon and pSB1C3: overnight at 16°C
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol + glucose plate and grow overnight at 30°C: negative
    • Restriction of CcdB operon and pSB1C3 with XbaI and PstI
      Because a preparative gel purification cause low concentrations, we will use DpnI
      -> Purification by using minElute reaction cleanup kit
    • Control of restriction fragments: positive, so we hope that ligation will succeed
    • Ligation of CcdB operon and pSB1C3: overnight at 16°C
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative
      (it does not work, maby our transformation is not succeed)

Week 4: august 19 - 25

  • Experiment 2
    • pSB6A1-T7ccdB sent for sequencing with primers MDM0096 (A471969), MDM0060 (A471682) and MDM0039 (A471681)
      -> correct sequence
    • Transform ligation mixtures again in DH5a, using heat shock (42°C),
      -> no colonies
    • PCR on CcdB operon with Q5 polymerase (primers: MDM0586_Fw-Trc-ccdB-G00000 & MDM0587_Rv-Trc-ccdB-G00001) and PCR purification using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit: nanodrop
      p5: 15.2 ng/µl
      p10: 18.6 ng/µl
      p20: 43.5 ng/µl
    • Inoculation of pSB3T5 and pSB4A5 from cryovials and plasmid purification using Qiagen Spin minikit: nanodrop
      pSB3T5: 75.7 ng/µl
      pSB4A5: 190.0 ng/µl
    • Restriction of CcdB operon, pSB3T5, pSB4A5 and the pSB6A1-T7ccdB transformant with PstI-HF and XbaI (gel purify restriction digest-fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit (expected fragment of 2157 bp for T7-ccdB, 3229 bp for pSB3T5 and 3372 bp for pSB4A5)
    • Ligation
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a
      -> no colonies
      -> plate transformants on plates with a lower antibiotic concentration (50% lower)
      -> no colonies
    • Design primers for Gibson assembly

  • Experiment 3
    • Colony PCR with higher annealing temperature to minimize false priming on kolonies from transformed strains using emerald polymerase with out primers to check KI: MDM0046/MDM0010. Expected fragment: ca. 5500 bp. Analytic gel: positive
    • HiFi PCR using Q5 polymerase with two primer pairs generating overlapping fragments of the construct : MDM0046 (out) & MDM0123: 2130 bp and MEMO1237 & MDM0010 (out): 3400 bp. Analytic gel: negative
    • Transformation of backup plasmids:p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10SpFRT-T7ccdB, p20SpFRT-T7ccdB in backup KI-strain
  • Experiment 6
    • New transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C)
      (because we are sure that the fragments were present for ligation and so will lead to succesful results)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative (it still does not work)
    • Control of ligations by using PCR with primers MDM0606 and MDM0607: negative
    • Ligation again of CcdB operon and pSB1C3: 15 minutes at 16°C
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative
    • CcdB operon: HiFi PCR of plasmids p20SpFRT-T7ccdB with MDM0586/MDM0587 to amplify CcdB operon
      because we have no more T7ccdB fragments
    • New restriction of CcdB operon and pSB1C3 with XbaI and PstI
      -> Gel purify fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: nanodrop:
      Restriction Digest of T7-ccdB: 15.3 ng/µl
      Restriction Digest of pSB1C3: 16.8 ng/µl
    • Ligation of CcdB operon and pSB1C3: 1 hour at room temperature
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive (finally)
    • Colony PCR (Taq): negative
      It seems that restriction-ligation does not work, thus we will use another technique, called Gibson Assembly
    • Designing primers for Gibson Assembly for the insert T7ccdB and the backbone pSB1C3

Week 5: august 26 - september 1

  • Experiment 2
    • Inoculation of pSB3T5, pSB4A5, pSB6A1-T7ccdB, p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10pFRT-T7ccdB and p20pFRT-T7ccdB and plasmid purification using Qiagen Spin minikit: nanodrop

    • PCR on CcdB operon using Q5 polymerase (primers: MDM0586_Fw-Trc-ccdB-G00000 and MDM0587_Rv-Trc-ccdB-G00001)
    • Restriction of pSB3T5, pSB4A5 and CcdB operon with PstI-HF and XbaI (gel purify RD-fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit (expected fragment of 2157 bp for T7-ccdB, 3229 bp for pSB3T5 and 3372 bp for pSB4A5): nanodrop:
      -> pSB3T5: 2,7 ng/µl
      -> pSB4A5: 7,8 ng/µl
    • Q5 PCR of CcdB operon and plasmids (pSB3T5 and pSB4A5), using the designed Gibson primers
      -> Purification of PCR-product after DpnI treatment by using minElute reaction cleanup kit
      -> Control of fragments on a gel => Backbones are present, CcdB operons not
    • PrimeStar PCR of CcdB operons, using the designed Gibson primers
      -> Purification of PCR-product after DpnI treatment by using minElute reaction cleanup kit
      -> Control of fragments on a gel => CcdB operons are still not present
    • Q5 PCR of CcdB operons on a linear CcdB operon, using the designed Gibson primers
      -> Purification of PCR-product, using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit,
      -> Control of fragments on a gel => CcdB operon is visible
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C)
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C)
      -> Plate pSB3T5 on tetracyclin plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive
      -> Plate pSB4A5 on ampicillin plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive
      Strange phenomena: most colonies are red, let’s control it
    • Colony PCR of colonies derived from Gibson Assembly: negative

  • Experiment 3

  • Experiment 6
    • => While waiting for the Gibson Assembly primers
    • Again restriction of CcdB operon and pSB1C3 with XbaI and PstI
      -> Gel purify fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: nanodrop:
      Restriction Digest of T7-ccdB: 10.5 ng/µl
      Restriction Digest of pSB1C3: 7.2 ng/µl
    • Ligation of CcdB operon and pSB1C3: overnight at 16°C
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C),
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive
    • Colony PCR (Taq) of these colonies: negative

    • =>After receiving the primers for Gibson Assembly
    • Q5 PCR of CcdB operon and pSB1C3, using the designed Gibson primers
      -> Purification of PCR-product, after DpnI treatment, by using minElute reaction cleanup kit
      -> Control of fragments on a gel => Backbone is present, CcdB operon not
    • PrimeStar PCR of CcdB operon, using the designed Gibson primers
      -> Purification of PCR-product, after DpnI treatment, by using minElute reaction cleanup kit
      -> Control of fragments on a gel => CcdB operon is not present
    • Q5 PCR of CcdB operon on a linear CcdB operon, using the designed Gibson primers
      -> Purification of PCR-product, using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit
      -> Control of fragments on a gel => CcdB operon is visible
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C)
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C),
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive
      Strange phenomena: colonies are red, let’s control it
    • Colony PCR (Taq) of colonies derived from Gibson Assembly: negative
      We think that some original plasmid has to be present
      and the bacteria love that plasmid more than the plasmid with ccdB


Week 1: september 2 - 8

  • Experiment 2
    • Restriction of CcdB operon and pSB3T5 with EcoRI and SpeI
      -> Gel purify fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: nanodrop:
      Restriction Digest of T7-ccdB: 14.4 ng/µl
      Restriction Digest of pSB3T5 : 7.2 ng/µl
    • Restriction of CcdB operon and pSB4A5 with EcoRI and SpeI
      -> Gel purify fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: nanodrop:
      Restriction Digest of T7-ccdB: 14.4 ng/µl
      Restriction Digest of pSB4A5: 7.8 ng/µl
    • Ligation of CcdB operon and pSB3T5 and of CcdB operon and pSB4A5: 25 minutes at room temperature
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a using heat shock
      -> Plate pSB3T5 on tetracyclin plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative
      -> Plate pSB4A5 on ampicillin plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C) of pSB3T5 and CcdB operon
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using electroporation (Time Constant: 4.3)
      -> Plate on tetracyclin plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C) of pSB4A5 and CcdB operon
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using electroporation (Time Constant: 4.4)
      -> Plate on ampicillin plate and grow overnight at 37°C:negative

  • Experiment 4

  • Experiment 6
    • Restriction of CcdB operon and pSB1C3 with EcoRI and SpeI
      -> Gel purify fragments using Qiagen Qiaquick gel extraction kit: nanodrop:
      Restriction Digest T7-ccdB: 14.4 ng/µl
      Restriction Digest pSB1C3: 4.4 ng/µl
    • Ligation of CcdB operon and pSB1C3: 25 minutes at room temperature
    • Transformation in E. coli DH5a, using heat shock (42°C),
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C : negative
    • Q5 PCR of pSB1C3, using the designed Gibson primers and the linearised plasmid
      -> Purification of PCR-product, using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit: nanodrop:
      pSB1C3-backbone: 109.9 ng/µl
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C)
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using electroporation (Time Constant: 4.4)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive
    • Colony PCR (Crimson) using primers MDM0606 and MDM0607:
      6 colonies can possible be positive (but it is not sure)
      -> Inoculate the 6 colonies (overnight)
    • Control of fragment of pSB1C3 on a gel => Backbone is not present
    • Plasmid purification of the 6 colonies + restriction to control of they are the good colonies (on a gel)
      There is a possibility that they are the good ones, so we will send it to sequenate
      -> pSB1C3-T7ccdB sent for sequencing with primers MDM0606, MDM0607, MDM0060 and MDM0039: negative
    • Q5 PCR of pSB1C3, using the designed Gibson primers and the linearised plasmid
      -> Purification of PCR-product, using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit:
      nanodrop: pSB1C3-backbone: 58.0 ng/µl
      -> Control of fragment of pSB1C3 on a gel => Backbone is not present
    • Q5 PCR of pSB1C3, using the designed Gibson primers and the restriction digest of pSB1C3
      -> Purification of PCR-product, using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit:
      nanodrop: pSB1C3-backbone: 76.2 ng/µl
      -> Control of fragment of pSB1C3 on a gel => Backbone is present
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C)
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using electroporation (Time Constant: 4.3)
    • -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive => many colonies
    • Colony PCR (Crimson):
      We tested 48 colonies (using primers MDM0606 and MDM0607) and 4 colonies show the right fragment (2520 bp)
      -> Inoculate these 4 good colonies
    • Plasmid purification of the 4 colonies, using Qiagen Qiaprep Spin minikit: nanodrop:
      -> pSB1C3 strain 1: 94.2 ng/µl
      -> pSB1C3 strain 2: 163.4 ng/µl
      -> pSB1C3 strain 3: 160.2 ng/µl
      -> pSB1C3 strain 4: 124.3 ng/µl
    • Restriction with BspHI to control on a gel of they are the right colonies
      (expected fragments are 1028bp and 3248 bp): positive
      -> Strains 2, 3 and 4 seems to be the correct colonies
    • pSB1C3-T7ccdB of these 3 colonies sent for sequencing with primers MDM0606, MDM0607, MDM0060 and MDM0039
      -> sequence shows a mutation in the stop-codon, so we have to start over again

Week 2: september 9 - 15

  • Experiment 2
    • Q5 PCR for amplification of T7ccdB-fragment, using the designed Gibson primers, on p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10SpFRT-T7ccdB and p20SpFRT-T7ccdB
      -> Using DpnI at 37°C for 1 hour
      -> Purification of PCR-product by using minElute reaction cleanup kit
      -> Control on gel: negative
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C) of pSB3T5 and CcdB operon that we already amplified before
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using electroporation (Time Constant: 3.0)
      -> Plate on tetracyclin plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative, there are oly red colonies
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C) of pSB4A5 and CcdB operon that we already amplified before
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using electroporation (Time Constant: 4.0)
      -> Plate on ampicillin plate and grow overnight at 37°C: positive
    • Colony PCR (Crimson): there is only 1 colony.
      We tested this colonie (using primers MDM0606 and MDM0607) and it show the right fragment (2520 bp) on gel
      -> Inoculate these colonie
    • Plasmid purification of the colonie, using Qiagen Qiaprep Spin minikit: nanodrop:

  • Experiment 4

  • Experiment 6
    • Q5 PCR for amplification of T7ccdB-fragment, using the designed Gibson primers, on p5SpFRT-T7ccdB, p10SpFRT-T7ccdB and p20SpFRT-T7ccdB
      -> Using DpnI at 37°C for 1 hour
      -> Purification of PCR-product by using minElute reaction cleanup kit
      -> Control on gel: negative
    • Gibson Assembly (1h at 50°C), using a T7ccdB we already amplified before
    • Transformation in E. coli Top10 subcloning cells, using electroporation (Time Constant: 4.0)
      -> Plate on chloramphenicol plate and grow overnight at 37°C: negative

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Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant
Bioké Novolab