Team:Newcastle/Modelling/Cell Fusion
Cell Fusion
Simulation rules and parameters
Movement. Every L-Form has random movement speed which is 1-6 px per game step, furthermore they have movement direction, there are 2 variables which represent their movement per step on x axis and y axis. Every simulation step there is a random number [-2,2] generated which is then added to current speed. Also there are speed limits so that L-Forms cannot move faster than -6px or 6px on any axis.
Division. There is 1/100 chance per step that division algorithm will be triggered, provided there is at least 1 "unused" L-Form entity. If this happens, then 3 biggest(in radius) L-forms are selected, provided they are not already dividing.
L-Forms. Simulation starts with 11 L-Forms(5 red, 6 green), which have random radius of (10-20 pixels) .
Location. All L-Forms are randomly created on the screen.
Collision . When 2 L-Forms collide there is 50% chance that bigger L-form will absorb the smaller one, otherwise they just bounce off. If absorption happens, in that case we calculate smaller L-form's surface area and add it to the bigger L-Form's surface area. The absorbed ball entity is marked as "unused" and moved away from the screen.
Colour . Originally we start with RED and GREEN colours. When collision happens L-Forms will keep the same colour, or if two different colours collide they will become yellow.
You can find source code here: