Team:BIOSINT Mexico/Who we are


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Who we are


Bienvenidos to our team page!



José Ricardo Cuenca Enríquez

About me: I'm a high school student, studying in 5th semester, so you can call me the baby boy of the team. I'm extremely curious and independent. I like watching movies while I’m reading biological subjects.

Team role: Help in any way possible to anyone, and work in the wiki design.

Qualities: Fast learning, powerful mind, hard work and sincere.

Random data: I love The Big Bang theory and I speak 5 languages. What about that, baby.


Mariana Guadalupe Guerrero Osornio

About me: I'm a college student in Biotechnology engineer, coursing my 5th semester. I am a very sociable person and I like to meet people and learn about their traditions and cultures.

Team role: Assist in the design of synthetic pieces and help in the background research of the project. Work in the lab and even make pies for the team, what a perfect way to go! Isn’t?

Qualities: Efficient team work member, analytical person and pretty communicative, and when I talk about being communicative, it’s really being communicative, if you know what I mean.

Random data: I like dogs and view maternity TV shows. My favorite music band is “Queen”, I absolutely love it! I always sing Queen songs in the lab, my goodness…


Juan Noé Hernández Salazar

About me: Student in Biotechnology engineer, coursing my 3th semester. I love motorcycles and all kind of animals. I love being with my friends, live and co-exist with them. I make always laugh my team when we are working in the laboratory.

Team role: I am the official treasurer of the team and helper with sponsorship. My role in life is to bring joy to those who are possible and motivate you to keep going. Everything is possible with determination and effort.

Qualities: Socialize, challenge, and improve.

Random data: I have a coffee goat named “May”.


Alicia Gabriela Quiroz Rocha

About me: Student in Biotechnology engineer, coursing in 5th semester. I like rock music and analyze all types of biosensors. Apparently I do not like kissing, hugging and the pretty effusive expressions of affection. But honestly I have a heart of cotton, and inside I'm very cheesy.

Team role: I’m the president of the team and I assist in the practical development of the project; get the necessary materials and reagents, and the organization of logistics equipment. Even where sometimes others do not want to dirty them hands.

Qualities: Learn, proactive, loyal, inquisitive mind and committed. I’ve very good scientific ideas.

Random data: Do you like aerobic respiration as much as I do?


Bryan Cruz Campos

About me: Student in Biotechnology engineer, coursing in 7th semester. I love to play musical instruments and compose melodies with my guitar. I am an adventurous person who likes to be in all places possible, just like a nomad. I’m friendly and relaxed.

Team role: I’m the vice-president of the team and I work in multidisciplinary areas, like the assistance in the lab whenever possible, sponsorship, wiki, entailment with companies, etc. I help my team in any doubts they have.

Qualities: Entrepreneur, search for quick and alternate solutions, optimistic and persevering.

Random data: I love dance 80’s disco music.


Alejandra Matsuri Rojano Nisimura

About me: Student in Biotechnology engineer, coursing in 5th semester. I love baseball, I'm fanatic! I also like old movies, reading all kinds of books, and logically, synthetic biology.

Team role: Collect money by vintages, assist in the technical operation of the project and carry out the Human Practices designing various courses related to the IGEM contest.

Qualities: I’m pretty good in the scientific research, good at making corrections, intellectual girl, and very persistent.

Random data: I have a great fear of the fungi; I have panic to eat mushrooms.


Jaime Antonio del Castillo Nuñez

About me: Student in Biotechnology engineer, coursing in 5th semester. I like video games a lot and play them whenever I can. I also like electronic, metal which relax me, I`m an excellent salsa dancer because I love salsa, learn everything I can and if it is possible apply it, I´m not such a social person but when you get to know me you either love me or hate me.

Team role: Mathematical modeling. Supply management. Assistant in the development of the project and hard work in the lab in order to get results.

Qualities: Courage, wisdom, responsibility, good coordination, quick thinking and learning.

Random data: My dog is a boxer and his name is Rambo because I wanted him to be a badass just by the name.


Laura Cortez Rayas

About me: Student in Biotechnology engineer, coursing in 5th semester. I like energic music, watching movies, drawing, fashion, and swimming. I always keep everything organized, scheduled, and clean. I like to do everything very well.

Team role: Matsuri and I are the perfect duo of the team; we are confident and best friends. Together we take care of human practices, modeling of biological parts, and work in the biological software.

Qualities: Serenity, objectivity, hard work, responsibility and prudence.

Random data; I’m super fan of Legos. My favorite is the Pirates of the Caribbean ship.
