Team /HIT-iGEMers
Ouyang Yujing
team leader
motto: "you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." -
Xiangmiao ZENG
Major:Food Science and Technology
Motto: Chase the excellence, success will follow you. -
Zhang Ying
Major: Biological Engineering
Motto: Oh, I think I must find another photo to replace this one. - Xie Fangping I'm interested in exploring how life science problems can be modeled and solved using computational methods.
Wu Yifan
Igem club leader
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. -
Xingchen ZHAI
Major: Food Science and Technology
Motto: Human potential is boundless , its only limitations are those which you place on yourself .Responsibility: In this summer , I participate in the team to be in charge of the lab. I strengthen my experimental skills and learn a lot from the lab process . This summer is doomed unforgettable.
Wu Yifan
Igem club leader
Motto: I'm just a human, and it is enough. -
Xingchen ZHAI
Major: Food Science and Technology
Motto: Human potential is boundless , its only limitations are those which you place on yourself .Responsibility: In this summer , I participate in the team to be in charge of the lab. I strengthen my experimental skills and learn a lot from the lab process . This summer is doomed unforgettable.
Wu Yifan
Igem club leader
Motto: I'm just a human, and it is enough. -
Xingchen ZHAI
Major: Food Science and Technology
Motto: Human potential is boundless , its only limitations are those which you place on yourself .Responsibility: In this summer , I participate in the team to be in charge of the lab. I strengthen my experimental skills and learn a lot from the lab process . This summer is doomed unforgettable.
Zhang Hongfei
Major: Computer Science and Technology
Motto: Failure is the mother of success. -
Kang Yang
University: Northeast Agricultural University Major: Biological Sciences
Work: Wetlab
This is a rookie who wants to introduce iGEM to his school, NEAU. He helped other members do many things in experiments in summer. He also does human practice in his school with his partners. -
Daoyu Zhang
University: Northeast Agricultural University
Motto: The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want , and if they cannot find they , they make them . - Zhang Hongyang Motto: Do one thing at a time, and do well.
Zhu Bohao
Major: Automation Specialty
Motto: Achieve more possibilities in the only life. - Hua Ye The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
Li Mingda
Major: Computer Science
Motto: While there is life there is hope. -
Liang Hong
Major: Food Science and Technology
Analyzing Data
Motto: Work hard, and play harder. -
Yang Yuming
Member of the Office
Major: Food Science and Technology
Motto: Energy and persistence conquer all things. -
Yang Shiyu
Major: Electronic and Information Engineering
Motto: We can go as far as we can think.