Team:SydneyUni Australia/Modelling Results
Running the Model
All enzyme concentrations were given a value of 0.1 mM. The temperature was set as T=298K. A plasma membrane distance of d=2nm was given. The cell concentration was given as 1E8 cells/mL. No cellular growth rate was implemented. Glycolate, ε, was left ‘unprocessed’, i.e. it is left to simply accumulate.
Using the constants above the flux took the value:
- All enzymes follow MM kinetics as described in the literature.
- The enzymes and metabolites are homogeneously distributed within the cell.
- The metabolites in the pathway are processed only by the proposed enzymes.
- The enzyme concentrations remain constant.
- The partition coefficient for DCA in octanol and water is approximately the same as the partition coefficient for the cell membrane.
- The cells only grow/divide through DCA-derived-glycolate.
- Diffusion can accurately follow
- All cells are of the same size (ie equal membrane surface area)
Raw MATLAB code:
function dy = nop450(t,y) dy=zeros(6,1); dy(1)= -6*(10^4)*0.0463067*(y(1)-y(2)); dy(2)= 6*(10^4)*0.0463067*(y(1)-y(2))-3.3*0.1*(y(2)/(0.53+y(2))); dy(3)= 3.3*0.1*(y(2)/(0.53+y(2)))-0.0871*0.1*(y(3)/(0.94+y(3))); dy(4)= .0871*0.1*(y(3)/(0.94+y(3)))- 0.6*0.1*(y(4)/(0.16+y(4))); dy(5)= 0.6*0.1*(y(4)/(0.16+y(4))) - 25.4*0.1*(y(5)/(20+y(5))); dy(6)= 25.4*0.1*(y(5)/(20+y(5))); end
Raw MATLAB code for the pathway not involving p450
function dy = p450(t,y) dy=zeros(5,1); dy(1)= -6*(10^12)*0.0463067*(y(1)-y(2)); dy(2)= 6*(10^12)*0.0463067*(y(1)-y(2))-89.8*0.1*(y(2)/(7.2+y(2))); dy(3)= 89.8*0.1*(y(2)/(7.2+y(2)))-0.6*0.1*(y(3)/(0.16+y(3))); dy(4)= 0.6*0.1*(y(3)/(0.16+y(3))) - 25.4*0.1*(y(4)/(20+y(4))); dy(5)= 25.4*0.1*(y(4)/(20+y(4))); end
Raw MATLAB code for the pathway involving p450
The output of the raw MATLAB code for the pathway not involving p450 which depicte how the concentrations of each metabolite change over time.
Regarding the figure legends with in the graphs themselves data 1, data 2, data 3, data 4, data 5 * data 6, represents the concentration of the metabolites αin, αout, β, γ, δ & ε respectively.
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