Team:KU Leuven/Human Outreach/Press


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Secret garden

Congratulations! You've found our secret garden! Follow the instructions below and win a great prize at the World jamboree!

  • A video shows that two of our team members are having great fun at our favourite company. Do you know the name of the second member that appears in the video?
  • For one of our models we had to do very extensive computations. To prevent our own computers from overheating and to keep the temperature in our iGEM room at a normal level, we used a supercomputer. Which centre maintains this supercomputer? (Dutch abbreviation)
  • We organised a symposium with a debate, some seminars and 2 iGEM project presentations. An iGEM team came all the way from the Netherlands to present their project. What is the name of their city?

Now put all of these in this URL:, (loose the brackets and put everything in lowercase) and follow the very last instruction to get your special jamboree prize!

tree ladybugcartoon


EOS, a popular scientific magazine, sponsors us and was very interested in our project. It's a dutch magazine, monthly spread in the Netherlands and Belgium. In the EOS edition of September, you can find the article about modified wheat and about our project.
Eos Article

Landbouw Leven

The application of our bacterium is agriculture. We went to the annual market in Leuven and talked to some farmers about our project and about synthetic biology. ‘Landbouw Leven’ (Agriculture Life) was interested and posted our press text on their website.

Landbouw Leven


We sent out a press article in relation to our symposium. The Belgian press picked it up and we published an article in two newspapers. Our article was published in De Morgen and Het Laatste Nieuws, which is the most popular newspaper in Flandres..


Tertio is a weekly magazine that follows the current affairs and adds a critical opinion from a Christian point of view. In the publication of september 25th, they dedicated no less than three full pages to synthetic biology and our iGEM project in particular. On top of that, we were also covered on the front page! The topics mentioned in the dossier were an interview with our instructor and post-doc researcher Ingmar Claes (see picture), an overview of current ethical issues in synthetic biology with the contribution of professor Hub Zwart, professor in Philosophy, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. In the third article, we took the work of the philosopher Hans Jonas into synthetic biology. The concepts he uses and develops in his works are of great interest in the ethical debate around synthetic biology. Professor Luc Anckaert from KU Leuven in Belgium and professor Bert Blans from the School of Catholic Theology of the Tilburg University, The Netherlands contributed to this article.
You can read the full dossier (in Dutch) in Tertio.

Tertio dossier


VILT is the flemish infocentre for agri- & horticulture. Their mission is to stimulate knowledge about agriculture through information and communication in an independent way. They mentioned our project on their website (in Dutch). We are very happy to get the support of the VILT, which is an institute with name and fame.



We were also contacted by a Flemish radio station (Radio 2) and Flore gave an interview about our project and our symposium.
