Team:MSOE Milwaukee/Week9
Week 9
As a team, we completed the protocol binder and want to double check our work on it. We asked our advisor some final questions on our procedures and determined that we are ready to get into lab. We have a few items left to buy and see if we have them currently in our lab, but we hope to get started in lab late this week, but for sure by early next week.
We started to map out our output plasmids using a free download of ApE software. We had to put the sequences in and it would allow us to label different parts of our plasmid. We hope to use these images on the website once they're completed. We also completed a few miscellaneous tasks.
We signed paperwork to gain lab access and learned more about the labs we will be using. We unpacked boxes of stuff we are allowed to use into the cabinet and got organized. We labeled all of our shelves and took inventory of our stocks. We found out that we didn't have one component for our previously found competent cell protocol, so we found a new protocol online and began day one of that one.