Team:Yale/Project Validate


Revision as of 21:11, 27 August 2013 by Jws67 (Talk | contribs)
Project Overview Validate PLA synthesis Develop bioassay Apply MAGE Introduce export system Make a bioplastic

Aims for the Project

  1. Engineer strains of E. coli to validate PLA synthesis
  2. Develop bioassay to screen PLA production
  3. Apply MAGE to optimize PLA production, guided by FBA
  4. Introduce type 1 secretion system to export and extract PLA
  5. Make a bioplastic

Engineer strains of E. coli to validate PLA synthesis

  • In order to reproduce the results of the Lee group we needed to insert the two heterologous genes.
  1. Clostridum propionicum propionate CoA transferase (denoted PCT)
  2. Pseudomonas resinovorans polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase (denoted PHA)

Step 1 outline.jpg This was our plan in order to validate PLA synthesis. In order to save money we ordered each of the two heterologous genes in four pieces from IDT giving us 8 GBlocks. Each gene had an inducible promoter in front so we could tightly regulate the expression of the enzyme. The terminators were amplified from other sources and given homology to the appropriate Gblocks.

Here is a schematic of what the entire construct looks like with both promoter, genes and terminators GblockPLA.png Each fragment was amplified using PCR (according to the protocol here!!!!!!!!!!), to give homology to adjacent fragments. Using gibson assembly our plan was to assemble all 10 fragments into one construct.
