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===Welcome to the homepage of the TU Eindhoven 2013 iGEM team.===
<br>{{:Team:TU-Eindhoven/Template:Quote | text=We will create bacteria that can detect tumors<br /> and visualize them on an MRI scan. | by=Mission Statement of the TU/e iGEM 2013 Team | position=left }}
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{{:Team:TU-Eindhoven/Template:FrontThumbnail | image=TU-Eindhoven_Images_OurProject.jpg | link=/Team:TU-Eindhoven/Project | heading=Our Project | text=Visualizing tumors using bacteria? Find out what our project is all about! }}
{{:Team:TU-Eindhoven/Template:FrontThumbnail | image=TU-Eindhoven_Images_MRIPromo.jpg | link=/Team:TU-Eindhoven/Wetlab | heading=Wetlab | text=Take a look at the results of the broad range of experiments performed this year. }}
{{:Team:TU-Eindhoven/Template:FrontThumbnail | image=TU-Eindhoven_Images_ProteinPromo.jpg | link=/Team:TU-Eindhoven/Modeling | heading=Drylab | text=Various simulations were carried out to support the wetlab experiments. }}
<html><div class="thumbnail" style="background: url('') repeat-x center top !important; height: 150px;"><center><div style="font-size: 48pt; line-height: 48pt; text-algin: center; margin-top: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: #555555;">True. False. Inconclusive.</div><div style="font-size: 48pt; line-height: 48pt; text-algin: center; margin-top: -48pt; font-weight: bold; color: #555555;"><span id="tue-sf-true" style="color: #008000; opacity: 0.0;">True.</span> <span id="tue-sf-false" style="color: #FF0000; opacity: 0.0;">False.</span> <span id="tue-sf-undecided" style="color: #0000FF; opacity: 0.0;">Inconclusive.</span></div><br /><a class="btn btn-info" target="_blank" href="">Which Facts are Synthetic?</a></center></div></html>
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{{:Team:TU-Eindhoven/Template:SetTitle | menu=home | page=Home}}
{{:Team:TU-Eindhoven/Template:SetHeader | nr=2}}
The field of medical imaging is constantly changing and improving as engineers and physicians strive to obtain the best images possible. This is true for one field in particular, the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI is one of the best ways of imaging patients giving high quality 3D images of a patients entire body making it an irreplaceable aid in the detection of cancers. It does however have multiple drawbacks, one of which is the use of heavy metals.  Yet without the use of heavy metals the MRI would not be able to make images anywhere near as high in resolution as it does when heavy metals are used, or could it?
var timer = self.setInterval(function(){syntheticFactsAnimation()},11000);
Within our project we aim to focus on a relatively new form of MRI, Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI, or CEST imaging. Within CEST imaging proteins containing hydrogen atoms can be used to create the same quality of images as when heavy metals are used. We are hoping to use bacteria to produce these proteins once they enter the body, allowing the bacteria to be our delivery system and production factory.
function syntheticFactsAnimation(){
$("#tue-sf-true").animate({opacity: 1.0},2000).delay(1000).animate({opacity: 0.0},2000);
Should all go well then we will create an alternative for the use of heavy metals that is safe to use, without losing any of the image quality.
$("#tue-sf-false").delay(3000).animate({opacity: 1.0},2000).delay(1000).animate({opacity: 0.0},2000);
$("#tue-sf-undecided").delay(6000).animate({opacity: 1.0},2000).delay(1000).animate({opacity: 0.0},2000);
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  <li class="span4">
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      <img src="/wiki/images/b/bd/TUe_Main_Building.jpg" alt="">
      <div class="caption">
        <h3>About Us</h3>
        <p>We are the 2013 iGEM team from Eindhoven, the Netherlands.<br /><br /><a class="btn btn-info" href="/Team:TU-Eindhoven/Team">More Information...</a></p>
  <li class="span4">
    <div class="thumbnail">
      <img src="/wiki/images/7/74/TU-Eindhoven_Images_MRIPromo.png" alt="">
      <div class="caption">
        <p>Take a look at the results of the broad range of experiments performed this year.<br /><br /><a class="btn btn-info">More Information...</a></p>
  <li class="span4">
    <div class="thumbnail">
      <img src="/wiki/images/c/ca/TU-Eindhoven_Images_ProteinPromo.png" alt="">
      <div class="caption">
        <p>Various simulations were carried out to support the wetlab experiments.<br /><br /><a class="btn btn-info" href="/Team:TU-Eindhoven/Modeling">More Information...</a></p>

Latest revision as of 12:52, 26 October 2013

Welcome to the homepage of the TU Eindhoven 2013 iGEM team.

We will create bacteria that can detect tumors
and visualize them on an MRI scan.

Mission Statement of the TU/e iGEM 2013 Team

  • TU-Eindhoven Images OurProject.jpg

    Our Project

    Visualizing tumors using bacteria? Find out what our project is all about!

    Learn more...

  • TU-Eindhoven Images MRIPromo.jpg


    Take a look at the results of the broad range of experiments performed this year.

    Learn more...

  • TU-Eindhoven Images ProteinPromo.jpg


    Various simulations were carried out to support the wetlab experiments.

    Learn more...

True. False. Inconclusive.
True. False. Inconclusive.

Which Facts are Synthetic?