Team:British Columbia/Notebook/Flavours
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Team Cinnamaldehyde & Vanillin
Research Designs and Methods
The goal for cloning is to place each gene in the cinnamaldehyde pathways under a constitutive pTET and arabinose promoter pBAD for future characterization of each part. Our final construct should consist of a single pSB1C3 plasmid with all the genes inserted along with its ribosomal binding site and terminator:
Primers for the PAL/TAL, Ligase, and reductase genes are designed to yield PCR products containing all biobrick cut sites in the correct order: Eco R1, Xba 1, Spe1, and PstI. These PCR products could then be digested for ligation into available plasmids containing promoters (with or without rbs) and terminators.
June 28th
Transformation of 4-coumarate-CoA Ligase (4CL) and caffeic acid-O-methyl transferase (COMT)
Experimenter: Joe
Aim: Transform biobricks 4CL ( 2013 Distribution Kit, Plate 2, Well 17P) and COMT (2013 Distribution Kit, Plate 5, Well 19D) for miniprep and later amplification through PCR
Results: Transformation done according transformation procedures. Competent cells were plated on LB+ Amp plates and grown overnight at 37C. Only 4-CL grew overnight. No colonies were observed for COMT. Inoculated a colony of 4CL for miniprep
Rhodobacter sphaeroides Inoculation
Experimenter: Joe
Aim: A colony of Rhodobacter sphaeroides was inoculated in 5mL LB culture for DNA extraction
July 30th
Miniprep 4CL
Experimenter: Joe
Aim: Miniprep 5mL innoculation of 4CL with Qiagen Miniprep Kit
July 4th
PCR of 4-CL
Experimenter: Joe
Aim: PCR to amplify 4-CL from biobrick with biobrick VF2 and VR primers to confirm the size of 4-CL
Results: Multiple bands were seen due to possible mispriming of VF2 and and VR.
Retransformation COMT
Experimenter: Joe
Aim: Retransformation of COMT from biobrick registry and plated on LB agar + Amp
Results: Only one colony found on plate. This could have been the competent cells not being very competent.
July 5th
Digestion of 4-CL
Experimenter: Joe
Aim: Digest 4-CL to see if 4-CL is inserted into pSB1C3 plasmid with EcoRI and PstI
Results: Multiple bands were seen due to possible mispriming of VF2 and and VR.
August 19th
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Check if Fisal’s ligations were successful: TAL in PSBIC3 and TAL with arabinose promoter with colony PCR
Results: 2 colonies were picked for each. No bands were seen on the gel. Ligations were unsuccessful.
August 21st
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Ligate PAL and COMP to a constitutive promoter with RBS (.22A)
Results: After transforming, 2 colonies were picked and PCR’d (21st Aug. and 26th Aug.). The gel confirmed the presence
of both PAL (2100bp) and COMT (1001bp).
August 27th
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Digest PAL (cPCR product) with EcorI and Spe I so it can be ligated to the terminator.
Results: No bands were seen on the gel run. It was concluded to go back to the plate and inoculate from the colonies
that showed to contain PAL. The DNA then got cleaned up.
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Clean up COMT DNA to get it ready for the digest with Ecorl and Spe I
Results: Clean up successful.
Experrimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: PCR COMT from cleaned up DNA for digest
Results:Bands were seen on a gel.
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Digest COMT with EcorI and Spe I
Results: Digest was successful when run on the gel.
August 29th
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Prove the presence of AtCCRI in colonies plated by Fisal
Results: Two colonies were picked one of them showed to contain the wanted gene (1039bp)
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Clean up PAL DNA (with constitutive promoter)
Results: Clean up successful
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Extract PAL, 4-CMH and 4-CL gene from BioBrick plasmid
Results: For PAL (2430bp) and 4-CMH (1558bp) bands were seen on a gel. The 4-CL PCR reaction was unsuccessful.
30th August 2013
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Ligation of PAL and COMT (cut by X bal and Pst I ) to arabinose promoter
Results: will follow
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Digest of AtCCRI and 4-CMH with X bal and Pst I to then ligate to constitutive promoter and arabinose promoter
Results: will follow
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Digest PAL with EcorI and Spe I to ligate it to a terminator
Experimenter:Anna Müller
Aim: Digest AtCCRI and 4-CMH with Xbal and PstI to ligate to promoter.
Results:Digest succesful
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Digest PAL with EcorI and SpeI
Results:Digest failed multiple bands when run on gel. Possible star activity of the restriction enzymes.
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Ligation of PAL, COMT to arabinose promoter with rbs and AtCCRI, 4-CMH to arabinose and constitutive promoter:
Results:Ligations were successful -> proven on gel.
August 31st
Aim:Digest terminator with EcorI and Xbal, so it can be ligated to inserts cut with EcorI and SpeI
Results:Didn't work, all attempts to ligate failed. Should gel extract nexts time.
September 1st
Aim: cPCR the transformed and plated ligations done on August 31st.
Results:PAL w/arab, 4-CMH w/arab, 4-CMH w/const, COMT w/arab and AtCCR1 w/arab.