

Revision as of 01:55, 4 October 2013 by Guitou (Talk | contribs)

Iron coli project


Inverter curve
Figure 1: Légende ici.
Inverter GFP
Figure 2: Légende ici.
Inverter RFP
Figure 3: Légende ici.
Inverter UV
Figure 4: Légende ici.
Inverter UV M9
Figure 5: Inverter caracterization on M9 medium with different concentrationof iron and in 3 conditions:
  1. AceB-sfGFP/plLacO-RFP on M9 medium with IPTG
  2. AceB-LacI/plLacO-RFP on M9 medium with IPTG
  3. AceB-LacI/plLacO-RFP on M9 medium without IPTG