As our goal was to manipulate gene expression in response to ambient iron, we first needed to investigate how changing the iron concentration in the medium affected E. coli growth. We quantified growth of E. coli strains containing either the aceB-GFP iron sensor or the aceB-lacI+PL_lacO-RFP Fur inverter at a range of iron supplementations: 0.1, 1, 10, 100 uM iron. The growth results show a statistically insignificant decrease in growth at higher iron concentrations for the sensor strain (Fig 1A) and no affect for the inverter strain (Fig 1B). Although we concluded that changes in iron concentration did not alter growth, we still normalized reporter gene expression to culture density in the subsequent experiments.
Fig 1 Growth of E. coli strains containing either the A the aceB-GFP iron sensor or the B aceB-lacI+PL_lacO-RFP Fur inverter with the iron supplementations of either 0.1, 1, 10, 100 uM.