Team:Paris Saclay/communication


Revision as of 08:30, 1 September 2013 by CarolineMir (Talk | contribs)


Presentation of our project to the laboratory IGM

The 13th June we have presented our project to the laboratory of microbiology IGM of Paris-Sud University. We have explained the different parts of our plan, the problems we have to resolve, and our ultimo aim: find the best way to damage PCB. We want to thank all the team of the laboratory of microbiology for welcoming us and showing interest in our project. It was a beautiful experience and a moment of share between students and professors passionate by sciences! Thanks to this presentation, we got one more advisor to help us: Claire a bio-computer scientist. We are happy to welcome her in our team!


Our powerpoint :


We have got in touch with MCETV, a popular students channel in France, and we have published an article on their site: about our team and our project. We would like to thank MCE for giving us the opportunity to share with others students our project and to talk about synthetic biology.
