Team:UniSalento Lecce/Attributions
A lot of people gave their contribution to our project, and here we thank each and anyone of them.
First of all, we must thank Veronica and Aurora, as parts of a bigger team who works in Applied Biology laboratories and who adopted us during these months: we shared coffes, lunches, boiling preps and fun, lots of fun. Thank you, girls!
For more academic attributions, we must thank:
- Prof. Luigi De Bellis,professor of Plant Physiology and Dean of our Department, for supporting our project.
- Prof. Pietro Alifano,professor of Microbiology and President of the Faculty of Biotechnologies, for his support, his expertise and his advices.
- Prof. Alberto Danielli, researcher at Unibo, department of Pharmacy and Biotechnologies, for sending us the plasmids pET-NikR and pNKTB.
- Prof. Michele Benedetti and Dr. Danilo Migoni, General and Inorganic Chemistry laboratories, DiSTeBA, University of Salento, for ICP-AES analysis of our samples.
- Prof. Livia Giotta, Physical Chemistry laboratories, University of Salento, for ATR-FTIR analysis and data interpretation.
- Prof.ssa Daniela Erminia Manno, Experimental Physics laboratories,for Raman spectroscopy e Cryo-TEM analysis.
- Prof. Gian Pietro Di Sansebastiano, General Botany laboratory, DiSTeBA, University of Salento, for fluorimetric measurements of our samples.
- Dr. Daniela Pacoda, coordinator at Se.Si.Ge.R, our Department Safety Office, who helped us compiling the Safety page.
- Dr.Eng. Antonio Leanza who designed the integration of our system in the purification plant (see Application)
- Lisa Oberding from Calgary Team 2012, Luciano Morosi from Buenos Aires Team 2012 and Yuta Otsuka from UT-Tokyo 2012 Team for the interviews we used in our presentation seminar: you can find the video in the Human Practices page.