Team:Linkoping Sweden/Attributions
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![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
![Team Linköpng University](
Each team must clearly attribute work done by the team on this page. They must distinguish work done by the team from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, graduate students, and postgraduate masters students.
Special Thanks
First of all, we want to send a very special thanks to all our sponsors that contribute in one or another way in our project! Read more about them at our sponsor page.
In addition to our sponsors, CLC Bio have granted us the right to use their software "CLC Main Workbench" for free during the summer, though they do not want to be an official sponsor to our project. Reaad about them at [ clcbio].
Materials and Expertise
For having made our project possible by helping with funding, finding sponsors, agreed to let the project be a part of Linköping University and for standing behind the project, we want to express our thanks to
Helena Herbertsson, Universitetslektor (assistant professor), Linköpings universitet.
Annalena Kindgren, Deputy Permanent Secretary and Education Leader, Technical Faculty Office, Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet.
For providing a laboratory, laboration materials, aiming the team in different matters concerning the equipment, machines and materials at the laboratory we thank Lars-Göran (Lasse) Mårtensson, Assoc. Professor, The Biochemistry Group, IFM - Chemistry, Linköping University.
For help with laboration protocols and other small necessities and for assigning our team some E. coli we thank Cecilia Andrésen, Division of Molecular Biotechnology; Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Linköping University.
For assistance in the modeling and for introducing the group to the software "System Modeler" we thank Robert Palmér, Applications Engineer at Wolfram MathCore AB.
For introducing how to use some machines at the laboratory we thank Madhan, at IFM, Linköping University.